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IRBM is going to lapse


(i) All bills pending in Lok Sabha at the time of dissolution whether originating in the house or transmitted to it by Rajya Sabha, lapse;

(ii) Bills passed by Lok Sabha. But which have not been disposed of and are pending in Rajya Sabha on the date of dissolution, lapse.

(iii) Bills originating in Rajya Sabha, which have not been passed by Lok Sabha but are still pending before Rajya Sabha, do not lapse.

(iv) A Bill upon which the Houses have disagreed and the President has notified his intention of summoning a Joint Sitting of the Houses for its consideration prior to dissolution, does not lapse, and may be passed at a Joint-Sitting of both houses, notwithstanding that dissolution has intervened since the president notified his intention to summon the joint-sitting of the houses.

(v) Bills passed by both the Houses and sent to the Preside t for assent do not lapse on dissolution of Lok Sabha.

(vi) Bills returned by the President for reconsideration do no lapse and can be reconsidered by the successive House.

(vii) All other business pending in Lok Sabha viz. motions, resolutions, amendments, supplementary demands for grants etc. at whatever stage, lapses upon dissolution.

(viii) Petitions presented to the House, which stand referred to the Committee on petitions, also lapse on dissolution.

(ix) Motions for approval or modification of statutory rules passed by Lok Sabha and transmitted to Rajya Sabha for concurrence and vice versa also lapse on dissolution of Lok Sabha.

(x) Pending assurances do not lapse and are considered by the Committee on Government Assurances of the new Lok Sabha.



According to this the marriage amendment bill if not passed in this session will lapse...see point no (i)

pls correct if i m wrong

 7 Replies

DV Act Buster (CEO)     22 February 2014

The HMA amendment (IRBM) bill was originally introduced in Lok Sabha and not Rajya Sabha so the abovementioned explanation in the TOI article is not valid for this bill....

Jamai Of Law (propra)     22 February 2014

I had earlier written that  "The Bill is lapsed. Period."
I correct my mistake. The earlier bill  is reintroduced in RS as THE MARRIAGE LAWS (AMENDMENT) BILL, 2013 in Rajya sabha. 


So Bill is NOT lapsed yet. (as it is introduced first in RS)

So once elections take place this issue is going to haunt again.

lok sabha website also may reflect it after a few days.

I think both the billss will lapse. So there was much stress on passing women reservation bill in this session itself

DV Act Buster (CEO)     04 March 2014

Any final update on this......can anyone confirm if the bill has actually lapsed or not ?? Experts please opine ??


Everybody is waiting for experts opinions on this...experts pls reply?


Everybody is waiting for experts opinions on this...experts pls reply?

Any updates on this????

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