Here the bigamous wife mentioned w/o so and so is this can take up evidence for bigamy? In the same way all public documents like pan, voter, national bank account.
Anjana (lawyer) 17 July 2013
Here the bigamous wife mentioned w/o so and so is this can take up evidence for bigamy? In the same way all public documents like pan, voter, national bank account.
Ashok, Advocate (Lawyer at Delhi) 17 July 2013
Yes, Aadhar card can be used as a piece of evidence along with other documents that can prove your contention.
Kiran Kumar (Lawyer) 17 July 2013
Yes it is a Legal Document and is admissible as an Evidence.
Mohammed Ameenuddin (Sr. Legal Manager) 17 July 2013
Yes, it hold more importance that any other public documents like ration card, voter ID etc.,