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Is Divorce Possible in this Case

Page no : 2

Kiran (Consultant)     18 September 2010

When the author of this post is saying that his sister is not inclined to go for an appeal against the acquittal of her husband , I dont understand why other members are forcing him to convince his sister to got for appeal.

When the husband is acquitted by the district court it is clear that his wife filed a false 498-A. So her husband definitely deserve Divorce in the High Court.

This is exactly how others force wives to file false cases and encourages them to pursue the case even though they know that it is a false case. You people are balckmarcks in this society.

I am sure god will definitely punish you for giving such advices and one day you will also land up in trouble similar to this.

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hema (law officer)     18 September 2010

the enquirer is asking how to keep his sister's marriage in tact, without pursuing criminal case.  his concern is genuine.  most of the advocates felt that if wife wants to protect her family, she has to pursue the criminal case.  otherwise it is difficult to defend herself in divorce case.  that is their perception on the basis of their knowledge and experience.  they are learned men and they have come on this portal to give free legal advice without any malice.  they do not know from where the enquirer is asking the questions and for them it is not one more case in their kitty.

if any one does not like advocate's advice, just ignore it.  but do not put curse against the advocates.  If kiran wants to give advice, he can give advice.  but he is not allowed to curse the advocates who are giving advice. If they want they can pull him in the court for defamation and he has to spend rest of his life visiting the courts.   the advocates may face or may not face punishment in future as kiran wished, but kiran, by his outbursts, is facing severe punishment and in his mental incapacity is insulting the advocates who are giving advice free of cost according to their ability.  I salute them for their knowledge and time.

Kiran (Consultant)     18 September 2010

Hema, I  expected this from you by seeing your posts in other threads.. I told my opinion on what I read in this post and surely I have my own point. btw as you said I will not undergo any punishment. its better if you mind your own business..

Adv. K.S.A.Narasimha Rao ( )     19 September 2010

Mr. Kiran,

I hope you have not perfectly understood the posting mades by several advocates as well as the enquirer,

may be it requires some more maturity for you, being very young or due to suffering of such illegal case, which you come across in ur life time made you to give such comments on all advocates. It will be better if you take back your comment.

As the enquirer sought for such doubts they have discussed the possibilities of filing cases. In any case, once if a person takes a stand, he or she should go through out on the same stand if at any point of time if they want to change it should be by way of personal dialogue but not in public.

Here, the enquirer's sister stand in the battle was weak as they were really done wrong on some advocate's advice  as well as client's ego make them to lose somethings in life, which they can never regain in life.

Your suggestion is good but if it is polite, it would make other advocates realise ur words but if u provocate them, you may really face problems. we are here to serve the people and share the knowledge of different aspects of cases.

Really some clients dont know anything but becoz of changing trends in life style of people and due to half knowledge news they commit mistakes and lose their fight.

At the same time such people, who are not having minimum legal awareness are getting very good knowledge of positive and negative litigation over here so try to give a positive comment or advice on any issue and at the same time i request our fellow advocates, if they really know on the subject only try to give advice and try to minimize the litigation by making a positive end. 

Kiran (Consultant)     20 September 2010

Dear Members,

I apologize for being harsh. Somehow I was carried away by the things which happened in my case. I am extremely sorry for that.



Gajender Singh (ca)     21 September 2010


Your brother in law will finally get free from the clutches of hounding in laws. Pray to God that he do not sue you people in courts for false 498a. Hope not even you but your near and dear ones will get message from this and will not use this draconion law to blackmail husband to bend him on his knees or for settlig personal scores.


KNK A Learner (Learning to share)     08 December 2010

First of all, Your sister filed a 498A case even on in-laws, Then how do you expect your brother in law to rejoin. At the time of filing case, your sister felt every one in the family is bad, so she filed 498A. Now all of sudden how can the husband family become good, after acquital from case. This clearly shows the case is false. Your BIL deserves Divorce. Better go thru mediation for mutual consent divorce than proving her Cruelty, Which is problem to her future.

All the best.

Sanket Sharma (AM)     05 January 2011

Dear Vinay, Dont you think you people have spoiled your own sister personal life, forget the past, get a divorce at the earliest and find a suitable guy and remarry, YOUR SISTER HAS REALISED THE MISTAKE NOW, HENCE DONT SPOILED HER LIFE WHICH MAY BE MORE COLOURFULL THEN THE PREVIOUS ONE AND IT IS MORE PRECIOUS ALSO

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