My Dear Ram Amudreji
Here is a piece for you from another posting wrongly titled:
22 April 2011, 23:02
HR assistant
[ Scorecard : 691]
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Mr.Ramani. again I am thanksful for updating me about the issue in question but at any cost i would not buy the theory that English is the language spoken in 3/4 of the world.We at Gulf have been working with almost 60 to 70 nationalities and almost 50 to 55 nationalities do not converse in English and where in the Europe, most part of Asia, African continent people speak English? As I have alredy stated it is only we, the earstwhile slaves of Britishers do feel proud of speaking English and condemn our own mother tongue.It is mainly the commonwealth nations where English is the lingua franca but still it is not the language of common people and those who know this language consider them to be above others.
It is our bad luck that English has been mentioned the language of Law in my home country whereas in almost every Arabic speaking world, English is always at the backstage because they are proud of their mother tongue.You did not find any objection to English on being imposed on us but very averse to Hindi, spoken by atleast 2/3 of India.
I am not a commentator for Canara bank but they always corresponded with me in Hindi and I was very much impressed by them, it is as simple as that and Canara Bank is not having its Head office in the Hindi heartland but they have the respect for my mother tongue whereas none other bank ever use Hindi as their correspondance language.
Please dont quote examples of the people who have their own agenda but helping their countrymen is never in their thoughts and who reside in their imaginative, isolated castles. I never heard of this gentleman called Ram Samudre. Is he Anna Hajare a down to earth simpleton , Swami Agnivesh,the social reformer,Medha Patekar, a social worker,Kiran Bedi, a passionate law crusador?if any of these noble creation of God has ever mentioned to be English the only language of India, I would blindly follow them.
Thanks and regards.
Hindi cannot be insisted upon in Central Government Offices. If Raj Thackeray comes to know that this happened in Mumbai, rest assured the officer's face would be blackened within 24 hours.