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manish lawaniya (student)     26 February 2011

IS INDIA REALLY SECULAR? if yes then what are minorities?


BY 42nd amendment act, 1976 the word "secular" was added in the preamble. But do you really think that our country is secular. 

General conception of the word secular: A secular state is a concept of secularism, whereby a state or country purports to be officially neutral in matters of religion, supporting neither religion nor irreligion. A secular state also claims to treat all its citizens equally regardless of religion, and claims to avoid preferential treatment for a citizen from a particular religion/nonreligion over other religions/nonreligion. Secular states do not have a state religion or equivalent, although the absence of a state religion does not guarantee that a state is secular.       

                                     The sole purpose of adding the word secular in the preamble was to attain a egalitarian society where each person is treated equally and gets equal opportunities for developing his skills and earn his livelihood without being affected by social, economic and political conditions.

            if this was the object then from where the concept of minorities developed. Each and every person is expected to get equal opportunities then why there is a cry for attaining minority status(in respect of jamia millia islamia recently getting minority status) .


 9 Replies

s arun kumar (Advocate)     26 February 2011

Yes I agree with Manish. In Tamil Nadu the situation is very worse. Not only minorities but the forward caste only having age restrictions and they cannot even able to appear for the exam. At present the reservation policy in Tamil Nadu is 69% to OBC., MBC., SC & ST and besides this 33% reservation to Women candidates. So totally reservation extends to 80% and the remaining seats also filled by Ex-servicemen quota, Sports quota and Handicapped Quota. Even in the Open competition of 10% the other communities meritorious canditates is filling up the seats. So the forward community cannot able to get any seat. If India is really secular and giving equal opportunities to every one they have to treat each and every citizen irrespective of caste, religion, s*x etc ., Then only each and every Indian will get equal opportunity.

leena (student)     28 February 2011

This occurs whit lack of literacy. We should step forward with the governemnt to increase the literacy rate then only we will be able to cut off such drawbacks from our country. only debates will not help. We should take a step further. I m a law student and i gives tuitions free of cost to many low class people around my house.

manish lawaniya (student)     28 February 2011

I really appreciate your efforts. but one man army is not feasible in real life. you have to take the support of the mass to do anything and in the case of social service , the support of the people becomes preliminary requirement. For that support you have to interact wid people, grasp the problems, find solutions for that and then discuss with the concerned people about its applicability, merits and demerits.


leena (student)     28 February 2011

Manish I agree to your point. But practise and changes begins from home itself. First we should change our thinking then our family and friends should be the next and then ask them to support you over everything and finally u r not ONE MAN ARMY. u have hundreds, then thousands.

Jamai Of Law (propra)     28 February 2011

Reservations and special quota is provided when prevailing norms and social fabric does not expressly provide equal opportunity.


E.g. Why there are are 'ladies/females' only boggies in local trains...Can women get into the local trains while competing with males and the stampade there..

Will the modesty of women be intruded there?...quite likely...YES



So quota is required as long as mindset isn't changed.

1 Like

manish lawaniya (student)     28 February 2011

i'm not against the aid provided to the poorer least advantaged section. but i'm questioning the validity of providing the minority status to jamia millia islamia. is it not against our constitution in which the word secular was added with the feeling of removing discrimination on the basis of religion.

as we all indians get equal opportunities so i think there is no need to challenge the spirit of secularism by providing aids on religious basis

leena (student)     01 March 2011

Well guys I think its time to bring back the Gandhian Era.....

manish lawaniya (student)     01 March 2011



corruption is in our blood. from childhood onwards we want attendance in classes without attending (proxy).

after that we search for the ways where money can be easily earned without efforts. we never let go off any chance to take advantage of our position.

the need of the hour is we should keep a check on ourselves. no need of longing to bring back any era.

if each of one will control himself than this place will be heaven on earth

leena (student)     03 March 2011


Everybody wants to cure the disease but none is ready to take the precautions. you know what after British Rule only we got certain type of illness in our country. We have lost our vrey good leaders who can teach us with the right path of going ahead for development. and what we have now are all corrupted and greedy people.

We all are into a life that we want the things which we can get easily. We guys are becoming lazy are not ready for hardwork or any kind of difficult path. I really want to change the government system of our country so that at least we could develop ourself. Our tradition is amazing our history is incredible we should preserve it.

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