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Rahul Patel (Studying)     19 September 2011

Is is possible to transfer case from maharashtra to gujarat?



My friend is in trouble. Case has been filed against copyright act. He has been bought from gujarat to mumbai. He's out on bail. But is it possible to transfer case from Mumbai Court to Gujarat ? complainant is from mumbai.

court has given condition that once in week he has to mark attendance at cyber police station. so how he could be saved from this ?

 4 Replies

Nu.Delhi.Law.Fora. (Advocate-on-Record Supreme Court of India)     19 September 2011

Dear Querist,


Law and practice relating to inter-State transfer in a criminal case, would not be allowable as general rule unless and untill, you demonstrate your suffering and consequential disturbance/difficulty to attend are so that requested transfer is warranted. In such case, the Hon'ble Supreme Court may entertain such trasnfer case. Largely, it would depend on facts and circumstances of you case which you are aware.


Trust this would suffice.


Rabin Majumder


Supreme Court of India

New Delhi.


kvss.prabhakar rao (Advocate )     28 September 2011

Dear ,

First suggust your frind to file petition to relax the conditions imposed by Honourable court.. Court can relaX the condition  of attendance once in week to Mumbai.  Next in general criminla case place of occurance is territotial jurisdiction to  try the case. We connot change the jurisdiction except in rarest of case. like gujarath rites case. If your frind case having any deseraveble grounds to transfer from one state to another  you can move the same to  Supreeme Court   for general transfer.




DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (POWER OF DEFENSE IS IMMENSE )     28 September 2011

Transfer normally defficult but you can apply for relaxation of conditions.

Raj (fr)     15 July 2013

is the criminal case filed by Husband on wife and FIL can be transferred to her place.

Does it happens transfer to her place when there is a clear case of criminal incidence at Huband place.




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