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Balaji (Self)     03 October 2014

Is it possible to transfer 498a case

Hi All, 498A filed by wife in ‘X’ place and husband staying ‘Y’ place. Both are staying in one state. Husband having life threat from ‘X’ Place.

Is that possible to husband transfer case to ‘Z’ Place in same state?

How many days it will take to transfer the 498a case?

Please advise.

Thanks for ur time.

 4 Replies

Ashok, Advocate (Lawyer at Delhi)     04 October 2014

From law point of view, it is legally possible to transfer the case to another place. However, in practice, you may have to show some strong and cogent grounds for seeking the transfer, such as showing proof as to how there is a threat to your life at that place and whether there is no other alternative, etc. Usually, in practice, the courts take a pro-women approach.

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     08 October 2014

My opinion to your repeated query has already been given in your previous thread itself, you may visit it to know about it.

Rajender Kalra (Men's Rights Activist )     25 October 2014

You need to have evidence of life threat and prove it to the court...

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     25 October 2014


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