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Is law an ass!!!

"Law is an ass",A famous quote by Charles Dickens"


How you think of this remark in view of Indian Scenario.I want to hear your views.


Kindly,Be specific while giving your views and it should not look like a person is targeting others personally.


Your esteemed contribution required.


Thank you.





 12 Replies

R.K Nanda (Advocate)     14 January 2013

no, it is not. law is serious subject.

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     14 January 2013

1. I differ to opinion of ld. Nanda. Law is never perceived as a serious subject vis-à-vis in Indian context.

Law school experience completely changes the way you think and the way you take decisions in your daily life. It is a parallel other grey matter that its excruciatingly slow process as in test application before a Bench makes all those connected with it feel 'law is an ass' and all connected people as simply asshole people!


The subtle application of above quote diametrically ends back to a Law school, after all the purpose of law school is not to teach you the law but to help you think like a lawyer and after one such law school experience you certainly donot think law is after all ‘an ass’!.


[I have always mixed feeling about it, depends in which mood you have caught me in J]



why law is not a compulsory subject as it concerns to all of us, we should know it at our initial stage, most of criminals dont know the punishment while he crimes, he knows later when caught. all criminals are minimum of 10th level and more educated......

R.K Nanda (Advocate)     14 January 2013

charles d**kens knew nothing about LAW and that is why he made such a silly statement regarding LAW.

ashok kumar (Social Worker)     14 January 2013

Mr RK Nanda is right in saying that Law is NOT an ASS

Mr Nanda is right in saying that Charles Dickens knew nothing about LAW!

In fact that statement of (Dick)ens is itself a sattement seems to be made by an ASS

Relying on teh statement of Dickens about LAW is like relying on a BLIND person to cross a crowded Heavy Vehicle Road!

Charles Dickens has only that much authority to speak on LAW as a BLIND PERSON has to speak about VISIBILITY, 

Charles Dickens has only that much authority to speak on LAW as a A LAME person has to speak on DANCING SKILLS

Charles Dickens has only that much authority to speak on LAW as a A DEAF person has to speak on SINGING SHOWS

Charles Dickens has only that much authority to speak on LAW as a A DUMB person has to speak on SPEAKING SKILLS

Sumitra Kumarji! Let us accept a truth about INDIA

It is a country where LOT of things are to be improved, but it isnt all that BADas we would believe it to be

We cannt deny teh Fact that despite a very very frustarting legal mechanism it is STILL the LAW which is holding teh democratic values in our COUNTRY!

For in this country, it is teh JUDICIARY and the LAW which has kept the tORCH of democracy BURNING despite all ODDS by vested forces

Let us salute our LAW, & THE JUDICIARY

Had it not been for these pillars , INDIA would have collapsed by now

So instaed of believeing Dickens, pl trust Law is an INTELLIGENT & SENSITIVE institution and subject which shows us LIGHT even in utter DARKNESS

1 Like

Rakesh kumar Singh (Advocate)     15 January 2013

Dear Mr. Kumar,

With reference to your question, I feel pity about your knowledge about "LAW" because your perception is very odd.

But still I will give you the answer that "LAW IS AN ASS" means Law reaches from different to different people and society at large where every person have to abide by this.

That 'ASS' means here animal where he wanders everywhere and not that [ A*** ]. I advice that know and follow the Law first as this grant you the basic rights and also read some the comments of emminent jurists or scholars who know thw law. 

I agree with Mr. Nanda what he said above.

Thank You.

1 Like

R.K Nanda (Advocate)     15 January 2013

i thank Shri. Ashok kumar and Shri. Rakesh kumar singh for supporting my views.


i also fully agree with views of both of them.


thanks once again.


@Over Ld. Singh saab,


First thank you to let me know the level of my knowledge,but,I believe,you don't need to feel pity for it. Also thank you again for let me know about my perception.


BTW,Can I ask you few things-


1.Did you understand properly what the very first post that started the thread meant or what is sought in the same (I suppose you have no communication related problems)!!!


2.Was this thread started to get merely the meaning of the word "ASS" and  readers assent(be it positive or negative.)!!! Do you think 'views' means giving assent(Be it negative or positive)!?


3.Did you follow the guidelines(that was expected in the post,starting this thread)???


Suggestion- Before you reply to anyone,think first,what is expected to be answered.


"Jab Janoge ya samjhoge nahi aap ki kis baat pe opinion maangi jaa rahi hai,  to bologe Kya Aap!!!"

(To reply any question,It's vital to understand what is being asked,otherwise every effort in this context will fall flat.)

@Other Readers of this post-


I am sorry for being a little bit personal,but I believe,it will work as guidelines for the readers who may become repliers,in coming time/days/years as the case may be.




N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     15 January 2013

May be CD was like an old deaf tiger that is why he said that. But Law is not an Ass rather a serious work. Just because some one misuse it does not mean that Law ia an Ass.

Democratic Indian (n/a)     22 January 2013

Law is surely not an ass but legislature or judiciary of asinine mindset can make or interpret law in an asinine manner. This is when the law starts becoming an ass.

Sonu (nil)     26 January 2013

In certain cases yes and no,

Law is made for upholding correct behaviour.

A very popular law recently which is being debated is the Juvenile Act.

Anil Agrawal (Retired)     27 January 2013


This proverbial expression is of English origin and the ass being referred to here is the English colloquial name for a donkey, not the American 'ass', which we will leave behind us at this point. Donkeys have a, somewhat unjustified, reputation for obstinance and stupidity that has given us the adjective 'asinine'. It is the stupidly rigid application of the law that this phrase calls into question.

It is easy to find reference works and websites that attribute the phrase to Charles Dickens, who put it into print in Oliver Twist, 1838. When Mr. Bumble, the unhappy spouse of a domineering wife, is told in court that "...the law supposes that your wife acts under your direction", replies:

"If the law supposes that," said Mr. Bumble, squeezing his hat emphatically in both hands, "the law is an ass - an idiot".

In fact, 'the law is an ass' is from a play published by the English dramatist George Chapman in 1654 - Revenge for Honour:

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