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satnamsingh   08 June 2018

is mentally disturbed person eligible for 125 crpc or 25

if husband have rental income from mother's Property. and Husband not doing any work . running mental treatment. then what would be decision of court in case of crpc 125 and 25 .
Wife have 5 month old baby . she left husband home with her decision. she have share inancestor Property of father .
how husband should enter in fight with this condition. mentally hospital medical slips will helpfull.


 1 Replies

vinay_2431 (engineer)     09 June 2018

How can a Mentally disturbed person have a child?? 

the child is his? if yes then involve elders and try sort out amicably as you cannot win or loose against a mentally ill husband[Waste of time and money].

Experts may differ 


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