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Mangesh law_student (Service)     14 January 2010

Is our judiciary is really have clean profile?

Dear All,

You and We lived in civilised society and we claim we are law obeyed state and country.

But in our case, which we have in consumer forum we come across very strange behavioue from honbl'e judge. When our lawyer was have his orguments before the court the honble judge was pressing to finish early and even not ready to know what is the law, deficiency there after also term of breach of contract etc...

We were putting recent case laws right from Honble Bombay High Court and Honble Supreme Court  where both the hoble courts have already given their judgements on the same problem we are fighting for.

Honble Judge even neglecting documentry evidences and having cross question to our lawyer only.

On second part when opponent's lawyer started his orguments the hoble Judge were so calm and peacefully listning the orguments. Also adding his opinions to the said orguments.

We had doubt but can not say anything on such strange behaviour. When the Apex court of India have already given it's verdict, and same merits of the case comes in the lower court why it's neglecting even to listen what Apex court have said in it's verdict.

We can only keep our hope alive and faith blindly on Judiciary.

Is there any remedy available on this except appealing in higher court.

Comments are welcomed.




 28 Replies

niranjan (civil practice)     14 January 2010

Not only me but many of us will share your concern.what else can b done ?glitter of coin makes blind.

Arvind Singh Chauhan (advocate)     14 January 2010

Yes Sir we usually face this embarassment .Only way is to file written arguement, affixing court fee ticket on it.

Arup Kumar Gupta, Korba, Chattishgarh ((m)9893058429)     14 January 2010

actually we are not blind; we do not know where to complain; where we will get justice;

my experience is also same. i moved from dist. court to supreme court - no where i got justice. i am also in search of it. if anybody found a forum or place where one can complain for such cases; please let me know.

i have doubt of bribing in my case. anyhow matter should come to open and general public should take cognigence of it. ruchika - rathore case open the eyes of the common people. again mr k.g. balakrishnan,CJT, was not ready to declear the income and property of the judges; again he is trying to keep his office out of rti act. the doubt becomes deeper and deeper. perhaps everything is not straight and fare here.

1 Like

Dear Mangesh ji, Recently I posted thread regarding History of Corrupted Judges since Independence. Please read. You may come to know how our judiciary is working. Due to some judges whole judiciary is getting bad name. If you feel minjustice in your case, You can appeal to the higher court. Even if you don't get justice in higher court also and if you have dare to go further you can appeal to the President of India.

Arup Kumar Gupta, Korba, Chattishgarh ((m)9893058429)     14 January 2010

I already downloded your file and submitted a 'thanks' to you. i already gone to hc & sc ; with first appeal and slp; but i did not get justice.

i am in search of justice. is there any method after slp - where justice is confirmed

Arup Kumar Gupta, Korba, Chattishgarh ((m)9893058429)     15 January 2010

girishankar (manager)     15 January 2010

Dear Sir,

Is it possible to  file a new written arguement for this case of Mr. Mangesh.... When the old one was read not by the Judge and neglected...... we are goin for a apeal as the Justice was denied by the lower court to higher if they also with out studying the whole contents thy errodicaly say that the lower one is right......Whats the use of apeeal....Judegs Hav No time to read they only listen...... If its a lawyer with Values... No law No Justice... Only Oh Hamara Admi Hai .....

Arvind Singh Chauhan (advocate)     15 January 2010

If the concerned judge ignores your written arguament, appealte court may consider and provide relief to you, because written arguement becomes the part of file, after affixing court fee and numbering by clerek. If ther is no written arguement judge may conceal the arguement put by  you orally. You may still file an application that you want to file written arguement. I hope it would be allwoed, if it is rejected it would be benificial to you in appealte court.


Satya prakash sir,Can you guide us as to under what provision can a person file an appeal before the President of India. and also for the benifits of other members also I would like to know wheather Written Argument is permissible even in High Courts and Supreme Courts.?????

Arup Kumar Gupta, Korba, Chattishgarh ((m)9893058429)     16 January 2010

Written argument permissible in all courts includind district courts; high court and supreme court. cpc  have the provision. please search google ' president of india' there you will find a place (thread), where you may lodged a complain. they will give you a complain number also.

Arup Kumar Gupta, Korba, Chattishgarh ((m)9893058429)     16 January 2010

for mr sunderraj - president's help line

girishankar (manager)     16 January 2010

Dear Sir,

In a open Court it self  the case of Mangesh Ji has become one more "RUCHICKA" I think the Media is more Powerfull than the helpline.... if the Media involves in such issues it will be gratefull.......without expecting the Rating


girishankar (manager)     16 January 2010

Dear Sir,

"Ajka Lawyer is Khal ka Judge Hai" Not every one some exceptions are there." Just like Saas be Khabhi be ek  bhow thee" So the Pillars {lawyers} should revolt if they reaaly feel for the dyeing Justice.......

President of India is our constitutional head. If any one feel that if he didn't get justice in SC also, with all relevent documents he/she can appeal to the President of India. President can send petitioner's appeal to the SC for clarification.

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