Is it compulsory to register the leave & licence agreement ? If yes by which section or rule and on what value of stamp paper ? What are the legal repercussions if not registered ? Pls guide.
Ambadas-Unde (Service) 21 January 2013
Is it compulsory to register the leave & licence agreement ? If yes by which section or rule and on what value of stamp paper ? What are the legal repercussions if not registered ? Pls guide.
Advocate Vishnu (Advocate) 21 January 2013
Yes. A leave and license agreement need to be compulsarily registered if the period is beyond one year. The stamp duty charges depend on the state you reside. If it is an unregistered agreement, you will have a problem proving your possession of your property in the court of law.
Bharatkumar (ADVOCATE ) 21 January 2013
I agree wth Mr. Vishnu.