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Guest (n/a)     24 November 2008

Is registration of births and deaths compulsory?

Is registration of births and deaths compulsory?

 12 Replies

Rajendran Nallusamy (Advocate)     24 November 2008

Registration of Births & Deaths is compulsory as per provisions of Registration of Births & Deaths Act, 1969

M. PIRAVI PERUMAL (Advocate & Consumer Rights)     24 November 2008

What Mr. Rajendran  said is absolutely correct. Mr. Govardan even registration of marriages are made compulsory now.

Tribhuwan Pandey (Advocate)     24 November 2008

Yes registration of birth and death and also marriage are compulsory. A responsible citizen should understand these responsibilities.

Shree. ( Advocate.)     25 November 2008

Main advantages of :

Registration of birth are:

i)  Admission to schools

ii)  Right to vote

iii) Obtaining Driving License, Passport etc.

iv)For employment

v)For obtaining Visa for Foreign visits

vi) Claiming right to marry after attaining marriageable age.


 Advantage of registration of Death:


i)  To establish the fact of death for relieving the individual from social, legal and official obligations.

ii) To establish the claim on property, insurance and social security benefits etc.


prof s c pratihar (medical practitioner &legal studies)     25 November 2008

thanks for enlargement mr shree. concealement is punishable offence in certain occasions.

bhavin (ADVOCATE)     25 November 2008

i totaly agree with all reply but the important thing is to collect birth certi. from the compititent authority  is our duty bcoz  if you born in the hospital then it is a duty of your doctor(hospital) to register your birth in the competitant authority.

and for death certi. it is our duty to register our relative's death in the competitant authority and in case of post mortem it will do by the hospital.

smilingadvocate (Advocate)     28 November 2008

Yes its very much necessary it has its own importance that too a legal importance and social importance which will be experienced at the time when it comes as my friends said above it is correct.

PALNITKAR V.V. (Lawyer)     04 January 2009



Yes, I do agree with my all ld. friends. All have make clear this query collectively. Now Mr.Goverdhan has got all the replies regarding his querry, as per my view.

Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Advocate )     25 March 2009

I  agree with  lerd friends -Thanks to Shree Advocate for  the detaied reply 

Registrations of Births & Deaths and  Marriages are cumplusory .

The Date of  Birth , Date of Death &  Date of Marriage  will be  proved in all the legal matters and other proceedigns by productions of the said Certificates .

B.N.Rajamohamed (advocate / commissioner of oaths)     27 March 2009

Yes it is a statutory obligation to register the birth and death in view of section sections 8 to15 of the Birth and Death Registration Act,1969.

It is the duty of every person to present an information to the registrars of  local bodies as to the death or birth within  one month from the date of death by paying requisite  fees to the authorities. If the registration is not made within one year then it shall be made only with the order of the Judicial Magistrate.

Kiran Kumar (Lawyer)     27 March 2009

one more thing i must add, such registered documents are primary evidence if needed in the court of law.

if the age is disputed or the date of death is disputed then these documents come to rescue and not the janampatris etc.

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