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Abha (other)     13 June 2014

Is section 13c, 13 d, 13 e of divorce act.

Hello Friends,

Kindly advice if section 13c, 13d, 13e are valid grounds for divorce. I see Rajya Sabha has passed that bill, but it is yet to be approved by President of India. How soon can this happen.

I also need some advice on my case -

1. I got married with my husband in ocotober 2011, and since december 2011 we have been staying apart due to many differences.

2. My husband filed divorce case in may 2012, he kept the case pending in the court till now. Initially i was reluctant to give divorce but lately i have decided to give my consent to Divorce, so I gave a "No Objection" to Divorce Memo in court.

3. Even after submitting the NOC, my husband is dragging the matter further by asking more dates. He is doing it purposely to harass me and not allow me to live my life peacefully.

4. I am already 32 now, i want to settle down in my life. He stays in chennai, and i am in hyderabad, i dont even know his whereabouts in chennai.

5. For mutual Divorce he is demanding huge sum of money from me and is not coming forward for mutual divorce also.

6. Will i be ever out of this nightmare..

Kindly advice what best can be done in my situation.



 22 Replies

gd luk (gd luk)     13 June 2014

u r 32 thn ur husband ??????????

on wht grnd he demand ? he is unemployed. hw much ???? this reverse trend  is rarely heard. unfortunately this is with u. hv sympathy.

better consult a lawyer so tht he forget to ask a penny frm u.!!!!

reluctant to give divorce but lately i have decided to give my consent to Divorce, so I gave a "No Objection" to Divorce Memo in court.

gud to knw u r reluctant thn wht makes u to b firmed.
as per ur thread u seperate frm dec.'11 thn wht make to give divorce consent in may'12 in absence of any personal dispute during this period since u r not with touch with him.
may b an ego issue.

gd luk (gd luk)     13 June 2014

is it urs ??????????

drsxprt (self)     13 June 2014

don't give money other thn ur husband.
bt personally feel either u r misguided or making false allegation just to get sympathy.

while filing petition, address of petitioner as well defendent, both, should be required.

liar/fraud (other)     13 June 2014

dt of joining is 18 July 2012.
and u hv problem after nearly two years. m sure u r expecting it.
gr8. must b an astrologer.
thn u must aware abt faith of .........

satish bhaskar (Litigant)     13 June 2014

courts take time to give decide and give orders, there are many pending cases in courts. unless it by mutual consent, divorce is not easy. waiting is the best option.

satish bhaskar (Litigant)     13 June 2014

New programs, laws, bills, legislation and reform are not the solution, but the problem.

Responsible people don't need laws to be responsible and irresponsible people will always find ways to violate laws.

Abha (other)     13 June 2014

My fear is after wasting 2+ years in this divorce still the result is inconclusive and i am sure just to harass me further he will not allow any conclusive judgement to come for this case. The current status on for case "for compromise for settlement", and in this process he is demanding money from me... What happens if the compromise fails. I still need divorce.. What will be the remedies available for me then? Being as respondent in this divorce case dont have rights to ask divorce? Does respondent have lesser rights than petitioner? Why even after me filing NOC for divorce decree is not passed? Does my filing NOC has no affect?

liar/fraud (other)     13 June 2014


wht ur lawyer say ? NOC first time hear.

is it not tht ur husband wants money from you is his OWN ? otherwise wht legal right one have [particular husband side] to demand/extort  money
however, may b it true with u. hv full sympathy with u tht inspite of this u hv to suffer the way nw a dys male side r suffering.

otherwise it is a CRUEL JOKE after demanding huge sum frm one and thn making an allegation tht he demand. like all false cases nw a days one read in newspaper.

satish bhaskar (Litigant)     13 June 2014

Minimum time of divorce has been just a few months. But  there is no upper limit in India. It can be 23 years. 30 years. Anything is possible in India.

Abha (other)     13 June 2014

My case is really genuine i am really being extorted for money...lawyers are helpless in my case...

satish bhaskar (Litigant)     13 June 2014

Change the lawyer then. All lawyers are not the same.

Abha (other)     13 June 2014

He pollutes all my lawyers.. Also he may withdraw his divorce petition to harass me further and then i need to file a fresh divorce case which will again be contested one and may go on for long...

satish bhaskar (Litigant)     13 June 2014

Court will decide on the basis of the facts of the case.

liar/fraud (other)     14 June 2014

Kindly advice if section 13c, 13d, 13e are valid grounds for divorce. I see Rajya Sabha has passed that bill, but it is yet to be approved by President of India. How soon can this happen.

either sr. of forum or ur lawyer can give u hint.

I also need some advice on my case -
1. I got married with my husband in ocotober 2011, and since december 2011 we have been staying apart due to many differences.
2. My husband filed divorce case in may 2012, he kept the case pending in the court till now. Initially i was reluctant to give divorce but lately i have decided to give my consent to Divorce, so I gave a "No Objection" to Divorce Memo in court.

first time come to knw abt existance of "NOC"
pl. put some light on it.

3. Even after submitting the NOC, my husband is dragging the matter further by asking more dates. He is doing it purposely to harass me and not allow me to live my life peacefully.

u knw his motive better.

4. I am already 32 now, i want to settle down in my life. He stays in chennai, and i am in hyderabad, i dont even know his whereabouts in chennai.

agreed u r 32. bt he is also nearer to ur age. it is my assumption.
dist. between chennai and hyderabad is comfortable far. fr his address which must b mentioned in petition.

5. For mutual Divorce he is demanding huge sum of money from me and is not coming forward for mutual divorce also.

heard in dowry, groom side demand and in divorce case, in name of maint., alimony, girls side demand.
so fail to understand in divorce case where is your husband fit ?

6. Will i be ever out of this nightmare.
only god and both of u knw.

"for compromise for settlement", and in this process he is demanding money from me...
fail to understand. pl. share more info so sr of this forum can help u. ur is a unique case where boy demand. it seems reverse turn in divorce. bt frankly say wht make him to demand ? hw much ?

Why even after me filing NOC for divorce decree is not passed? Does my filing NOC has no affect?

if possible, pl. shw us a copy of ur NOC. it is something new.

My case is really genuine i am really being extorted for money...lawyers are helpless in my case...

yes u r genuine. if u don't hv any harm, pl. inform on which strength he can demand. hw much and whether get it or not is secondary thing and not important bt important thing is hw he hs got GUT to demand. .

pl. share.

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