It is not the case of either roshini or princess that 98% of those cases are false. The rhetoric created by socalled 498-A victims on several web-sites more particularly on this web-site gave impression to the public that 98% of those cases are false. Especially the organisations in the name of protecting men's rights and fighting against biased laws propagating these false statistics for vested interests. Another Gobbel's false propoganda is that as the suicidal incidents were more in men than women, so, they want to repeal of Section 304-B. About this particular point, as and when I find time, I deal with in detail.
coming to about repeated saying that 98% cases are fake - totally false propoganda by vested interests to deprive the eligible women to enforce their rights under Section 498-A and DV Act.
National Crime Record Bureau released its statistics. As per 2009 statistics, in respect of Section 498-A cases, the conviction rate is 18%. Along with it, the conviction rates in respect of other crimes S.302, Section 376, S. 394, S. 307 IPC etc were given. The conviction rate is very low indicating the ineffeciency in investigative and prosecution procedure including the corrupt methods adopted by investigative agencies to catch a wrong person as accused. In some cases, it is known accused is really a culprit, the investigative and prosecuting agencies are receiving bribes and are diluting the evidence to be led before the court.
My final view point is that less conviction cannot make a statutory provision redundant. The people argue that as there is less conviction in Section 498-A, it has to be scrapped, then similar voices also raise in respect of all other provisions of criminal laws, as the conviction rate is so low.