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Azure (others)     26 September 2014

Is spelling of surname is imp for caste determination

good morning sir / madam,

kindly help me out of this problem ,

1)my surname as per my school and college and all other identification documents  is "SAHA''  (in english)

2) I have studied in ORISSA ( my all documents form orissa as a general candidate)

3) my native place is BIHAR

I want to obtain caste certificate for job application  so visited bihar , but i  am facing problems ,

in land documents my fathers(he died 15 years back) name is in hindi not complete name  with surname as sah (pronounce in hindi). i belong to halwai community, other backward caste.

shall i have to change all documents starting form school to college ??. our family do not have any identity proof from BIHAR  as we donot required it while at orissa.

kindly suggest how to proceed .In a family two siblings (brothers) can have different title spellings in english ie ''SAHA''  & ''SAH"



 1 Replies

H.JanakiManohar Rao (lawyer)     09 July 2015

The surname do not confer any right of caste.If your surname is wrongly noted you may get it rectified basing on your brothers school records etc.Regarding caste you have to apply for rectification.And burden of proof lies on you to show your caste.If your brothers records are correct basing on it you can get it rectified.There will not be any problem. 

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