As my lawyer said, the court verify the case on 30/12/2014. And now court dispatched the summon to the respondent and the court gives next date on 11/03/2015. Is such a long period given by court?
dev060186 (lecturer) 31 December 2014
As my lawyer said, the court verify the case on 30/12/2014. And now court dispatched the summon to the respondent and the court gives next date on 11/03/2015. Is such a long period given by court?
dev060186 (lecturer) 31 December 2014
Weather we check the date in court office? Because my lawyers previously said me the respondent will come on 30/12/2014 , but he later told me that the judge went for their session. and now court give 11/03/2015?
Laxmi Kant Joshi (Advocate ) 31 December 2014
dev060186 (lecturer) 01 January 2015
Thanks for reply sir.