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amaresh   15 September 2015

Is that a cyber_crime?

I am contesting a divorce filled by my Mrs. My minor(6 yrs) daughter is staying with her. Mrs is doing face_book chat in the name of my daughter .  She opend that id in the name of my daughter with my daughter picture. She is cahtting there with other guys as MY Mrs. Is that an offence? In cyber_crime cell  can i make any complain for that reason. (No custody case happen yet)..Plz PLz  Experts give your valueble words in this regards..............


 3 Replies

slakshmanrao (accounts officer)     16 September 2015

As long as the minor daughter is under the care of mother,nothing would be a concern.The court while granting the divorce will decide about the status of minor daughter... 971794 (Advocate)     16 September 2015

He is exposing your child, which is also hers, to more risks and making her vulnerable

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     26 September 2015

Legally you cannot stop her from doing so, but you can file a child custody case and in that you can include the subject contents as your pleadings as one of the genuine  reasons that  you seek the custody. 

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