What is the legal difference between an MOU and Sale Deed of a property?
I hear that that MOU is liable to only Rs 500 stamp duty whereas Sale Deeds are liable to higher stamp duty.
Is an MOU legally enforcebale?
newnimproved (CEO) 19 July 2013
What is the legal difference between an MOU and Sale Deed of a property?
I hear that that MOU is liable to only Rs 500 stamp duty whereas Sale Deeds are liable to higher stamp duty.
Is an MOU legally enforcebale?
phani (2010) 19 July 2013
MOU covers under General law of contract and which is enforeciable only when it is valid contract and it enforceable through court of law, sale deed transfers obsulute ownership rights to buyer instead of approaching court. be clear for more information
Divya (nil) 23 July 2013
Hello Sir
Please go thru the b/m case to understand the legal meaning of an MOU & its also called as a 'Contingent Contract'