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Srinivas (Director)     15 February 2014

Is there such things as counter to appeal?

When plaintiffs suit was dismissed, they preferred an Appeal on incorrect grounds.

Can the defendant file a counter or some such thing to refute grounds of appeal?

At what stage will written arguments be allowed in an appeal by all parties involved?

In general other than appellant who can participate in appeal proceedings and by what mechanism.


 2 Replies

shanmugam lakshmanan (senior)     20 February 2014

Dear sir, every litigant has right of appeal. You may raise your submission either oral or written when the matter ripe for Argument that too after hearing Appellant so that you can answer all the point raised for consideration even on subsequent events of the case. With regard to parties to appeal, generally parties before Lower court will be the party to the Appeal proceedings.  However, if any person feels aggrieved by the decree and Judgement of trial Court, may take steps to implead himself in appeal with leave of the appellate Court.

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     20 February 2014

I fully agree with the opinion of the learned Advocate Mr. S. Lakshmanan on this issue.  Therefore you may submit the written arguments when the matter is ripe for argument.

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