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Yuktesh (na)     08 August 2014

Is wage agreement with non-union members possible?

A company has a registered union, but not all employees are its members. The registered union is delaying the wage settlement. But the non-union members are desperate. Can the management sign a wage settlement with those who are not union members? In other words, can the non-union members form an unregistered association and sign a wage settlement with the managements. The registered union is objecting to this.

I would like to have any case laws / judgements on this.

Thanks in advance.


 1 Replies

sambasivakamasani (Sr Pur and Stores Officer (Rtd) ISRO)     11 August 2014

If there is registered Union, it is not possible to negotiate with unregistered union. Neither both are called together, not call the unregistered union separately. The other provision is collect good number of authorisations by a resolution to represent the grievances. When you are able to manage to get good number of authorisation/resolution, you can certainly go for registration. This entiles for negotion

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