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kumar (designer)     14 February 2013

Is wife is ready to fill dowry case?


my wife asked me to booked the ticket for her on 25-01-013 as her mother is not well and she want to go there(lucknow). I did the same. She was also carried the return ticket with her date as 6-02-012 but she didn't returned back till the date.
After couple of days i open my almirah for some work. I saw that all the jewelry kept by us is missing form the almirah locker. I asked my wife for the same and her reaction was very rude and she is not giving the proper information about when she will be back to ludhiana.
After 2 days i came to know that she have sent a registered latter to my native place kanpur and noone is there from my family. The house is locked from last 1yr.
My relative told everything to my father regarding the latter. She wrote that your son is not happy with this marriage ..its a force marriage for him and he is a heavy drinker . he drinks too much whole day and night. (Its all not true) 
Then after 3 days my landlord called me up and said that your wife have sent a registered latter to you. i was out of station so i did not accept it. 
Now kindly guide me that is she ready to fill dowry case? and what should i do for my safety.
My parents are not living with us s they are with my brother. 
i got married in dec2011
kindly guide me for my safty 

 41 Replies


There is nothing called as safety for men.

Try getting anticipatory bail.

Try and send a notice to her to return back, on that basis, you could save yourself from humiliation later on.

1 Like

P.Bashista (Advocate)     14 February 2013

First step should be to file a restitution under section 9 of HMA. This will show your bonafidy to save your marriage and will help you till the end.

The divorce can be filed after completion of 1 year of marriage.

In regard to the cases the ones she can file is a case under Protection of women from domestic violence act, 125 of Cr.P.C (both for alimony) and U/s 498A of IPC. The biggest issue is the 498A case. but the point is that if you have not visited lucknow since the day your wife has gone there then the jurisdiction for filing the 498A  case (whether false or true case) shall be where you resided with her lately (as that is not mentioned in your ques). 

Chetan Joshi (Advisory/Advocacy)     14 February 2013

We cant predict her intentions. But if she admits that the marriage was forcefully done then why not get it annuled?





I love my parents (law)     15 February 2013

1.Dear 1st called her with respect and try to return all articles.

2.send Registered with AD card - to her address (her address and her relatives address),means send more than four-five letters to all her relatives..

3. Try to get Bus/Train/Movie ticket - that show you have visited your sasural.Do not go in -side your sasural.Just collect doc- that you have gone there and request her to join matrimonial relationship.

4. File RTI in her local Police station- try to get FIR copy  and go to police station meet with SHO(IO) along with one of friend - request SHO - that sir you know about dowry case by women.Pls help me if anu case registered against me.Then pls take care accordingly and inform me asap.We will do what ever you want.By useing this point - you can save you from any case against you either 498a also.Otherwise time and money both will loss start.

5.File RCR Sec-9 after smell your wife - intrested and file Application in local PS that your wife has gone with her own intrest.


kumar (designer)     15 February 2013

My dad have sent a notice from court to her address that kindly return everything and asked for mutual divorce. it will work or not

I love my parents (law)     16 February 2013

They are asking retun and Mutual divorce.

You recd. this by written letter or verbally try to get by written.

kumar (designer)     11 March 2013

Thanks all for great guidance. Want to update you for more help. My dad sent a legal notice to her family that kindly return back with all gold and other stuff in 15days at our kanpur home,We all are waitng for you. But there is no action from her side. After 15 days of notice my dad sent a local police notice to her address(lucknow) for mutual dicussion and they have recived the notice but again no action from them. When my dad call her father for meetng they used to give silly acuuses like i am going to park or i need to go for shoping and all.. Please guide me that what i can do now for my own safty. I am working in punjab so my dad doing all legal action regarding the same from our parmanet address at kanpur. I got married in lucknow as the girl is from lucknow only. Waitng for your reply they can help me out .. Thanks



Originally posted by : kumar

Thanks all for great guidance. Want to update you for more help. My dad sent a legal notice to her family that kindly return back with all gold and other stuff in 15days at our kanpur home,We all are waitng for you. But there is no action from her side. After 15 days of notice my dad sent a local police notice to her address(lucknow) for mutual dicussion and they have recived the notice but again no action from them. When my dad call her father for meetng they used to give silly acuuses like i am going to park or i need to go for shoping and all.. Please guide me that what i can do now for my own safty. I am working in punjab so my dad doing all legal action regarding the same from our parmanet address at kanpur. I got married in lucknow as the girl is from lucknow only. Waitng for your reply they can help me out .. Thanks

Why on earth did your dad send notice man?

That is mistake.

Youd should have sent the notice.

Dont                      worry...

You send one more notice in your name from kanpur address, asking her to join back to you at kanpur


kumar (designer)     11 March 2013

opppsssss! Ok actually the dicussing date is on 24 of this month at kanpur police stan. I can only send the notice after this only Or should i send the notice  from my side,before 24.Can she still fill the dahej case after this too..One more thing if i sent a notice that join me at my kanpur address i am waitng for you there only so i need to be there only at that time or i can be in ludhiana only.  

Originally posted by : kumar

opppsssss! Ok actually the dicussing date is on 24 of this month at kanpur police stan. I can only send the notice after this only Or should i send the notice  from my side,before 24.Can she still fill the dahej case after this too..One more thing if i sent a notice that join me at my kanpur address i am waitng for you there only so i need to be there only at that time or i can be in ludhiana only.  

First send notice.  Baaki kaam baad mein.  Achanak case daaldiya toh? 498a, DV etc... Then at least you can tell I had asked her to come back!

kumar (designer)     12 March 2013

ok.. will do the same. Cn you Please tell me what is section 9. My dad is saying we will apply for the same on april end. Thanks again

rajiv_lodha (zz)     12 March 2013

Sec 9 is a useless case

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I love my parents (law)     13 March 2013

Yes Sec-9 is useless.I have Ex-partie decree in my favour.But man has only one case who is countable on screen.

kumar (designer)     13 March 2013

why its useless case??? i dont knw even wht is this. Kindly give some light on this

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