This is a big JOKE to read when the court says Wife is the responsibility of Husband and he has to maintain her and its his duty.In many countries they say childerens are responsibility of the parents till 18 and this makes sense but its only India where wife is husbands responsibility.Indian lawyers have poor knowledge about foreign matrimonial laws and they claim in Foreign marriages the women claims big alimony.The truth is the amount of alimony depends on circumstances for example a marriage of few months one does not get any alimony and if they purchased a house or anything together then its been divided or one pays the amount as alimony so the laws are not biased and one gets what one is supposed.In India the Alimony amount is actually the cost which the man is paying for the virginity of the woman and nothing more.
My question here is what is the responsibility of our country towards our citizen.If Husband does not maintain his wife will the country maintain her providing her financial assistance or anything.In India the government money is only for politicians and not for citizens and when the government still pays Rs 50 as unemployment money how can they ask Husband to pay Rs 50000 as monthly maintenance ?
I have heard many times lawyers commenting here that Hindu marriage is not a contract but if you read the HMA at many places its mentioned that entering into a marriage contract.