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Israel - an Illegal Entity, Refuses to End Illegal Prolifera

Israel - an Illegal Entity, Refuses to End Illegal Proliferations

Time has Runout for Fascist Israel in Mideast (Part 42) 




Unlike terror India killing and terrorizing Muslims, Israel does not claim Palestine being an "integral part" of Zionist regime, but like India that kills and terrorize Muslims in the country and Jammu Kashmir at will, the fascist Israeli leadership also considers its birth right to kill, bully and terrorize Muslims in its neighborhoods.



Optimism diplayed by the Obama administration on Mideast peace by dismantlling illegal settlements inside Palestine has died down and given the arrgoant posture by the fascsit Zionist regime, it cannot be otherwise.  In the West Bank, bulldozers began work on levelling ground for 50 new settlements as an end to Israel's ban on West Bank settlement-building ended yesterday the 26th Sept. Similar activity was also reported in the settlements of Adam and Oranit.  Israel is using the illegal proliferation of settlements as a bargain chip to gain concessions from Palestinians, but the issue is a serious threat to US brokered peace process. Some Jewish settlers celebrated the end of the construction ban with breaking liqour bottles and at the settlement of Revava, near the Palestinian town of Deir Itsia broke ground for a new nursery school before the moratorium expired. It is estimated that about 2,000 housing units in the West Bank already have approval and settler leaders say they plan to resume construction as soon as possible.


Nearly half a million Jews live in more than 100 settlements built since Israel's 1967 occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. They are held illegal under international law, but Israel cares a damn to world opinion and international law agisnt its illegal operations in Palestine. The partial moratorium on new construction was agreed by Israel in November 2009 under pressure from Washington. It banned construction in the West Bank, occupied by Israel since the Middle East war of 1967, but never applied to settlements in East Jerusalem. This is a core problem for the peace deal.



As usual, the Israeli authorities for a long time gave no definite answer on whether the construction would go on after the moratorium expires on September 26, and the Palestinian leadership threatens to quit the talks if it resumes. After annoincing the lift of ban, Netanyahu bluffs that he is willing to the limit construction of settlements in the West Bank, but not completely stop it. Israel cannot continue the freeze." Attempts to extend the moratorium could result in difficult relations for Netanyahu with his partners in the ruling coalition. And the Zionist leadership exists on illegal lands occupied by illegal Jews who have their own political outfits. For Israeli leaders illegal Jews are more important than any credible peace in the region.


Israeli PM Netanyahu does think illegal consgtructions can make any difference to the peace process and has urged the Palestinians to continue peace talks despite. In a statement moments after the end of the 10-month partial freeze, he asked Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to continue seeking a "historic" deal. Netanyahu said it is still possible "to achieve a historic framework accord within a year". However, his fanatic statement did not directly mention the issue of the settlement freeze. Obviously, the illegal occupiers with gun power and western terror support call all the shots now.


PLO chief Abbas will face accusations from his own side that the Palestinians will have backed down in the face of deliberate Israeli intransigence. Abbas has warned that the peace talks renewed earlier this month would be a "waste of time" unless the ban continued. Abbas will consult with the Arab governments in Cairo next week and will come back to the Palestinian leadership to take the right decision and the right answer, “with all what we have from the Americans and the Israelis"… Israel says the settlements will gorw come what may as these are no bar to continuing direct talks on key issues, and US negotiators have been working intensively to secure a deal.

Former US president Bill Clinton said in New York that Russian immigrants in Israel could be one of the main obstacles to achieving peace with the Palestinians and that children of immigrants who serve in the IDF have difficulties imagining any division of land that may in the future be part of a peace agreement. Clinton highlighted that the large numbers of Russian immigrants and settlers serving in the IDF could make it difficult for the army to confront settlers if this was required and feared this could cause problems in the future. The people who are most opposed to dividing the land are the settlers and the Russians, the former president noted, and an increasing number of people serving in the army are children of these groups. The least interested in reaching a peace agreement with the Palestinians are the immigrant Russians who oppose any peace deal. The immigrants from the former Soviet Union have made a huge contribution to the strengthening of fascist regime in Mideast.

Israel has changed and some 16% of Israelis now speak Russian.Clinton talked about a conversation that he had with a Russian illegal fanatic Natan Sharansky, who was the only Israeli minister to reject the comprehensive peace agreement Clinton proposed at the Camp David Summit in 2000. He outrightly rejected a peace deal with Palestinins, saying: ‘I can't vote for this, I'm Russian... I come from one of the biggest countries in the world to one of the smallest. You want me to cut it in half."

Fascist Israel claims that the people of Israel including the Russian immigrants, as the other citizens of Israel, yearn for true peace based on recognition of Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people.

US President Barack Obama has urged Israel to extend the moratorium, saying it "made a difference on the ground, and improved the atmosphere for talks". Meanwhile, the US renewed calls for Israel to maintain the construction freeze, saying its position on the issue remained unchanged and the US state department was staying "in close touch" with all parties. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke to Netanyahu and also to Tony Blair, the representative of the Middle East Quartet (the EU, Russia, the UN and USA), as the end of the construction freeze neared.

Henceforth, Obama must invlove the ruling Hamas government in Paleslitne for talks to ensure substance in the talk outcome.

(More to follow…>)
د. عبد راف
Dr. Abdul Ruff
Specialist on State Terrorism
From Dr. Abdul Ruff: Specialist on State Terrorism; Chancellor-Founder of Centor for International Affairs(CIA); Chronicler of Freedom movements (Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan,  Xinjiang, Chechnya, etc); Independent Columnist in International Affairs, Research Scholar; Terrorism is caused by anti-Islamic forces. Fake democracies like USA and India have zero tolerance to any criticism of their anti-Muslim and other aggressive practices. Anti-Muslimism and anti-Islamism are more dangerous than  "terrorism". Anti-Islamic forces & terrorists are using criminal elements for terrorizing the world and they are harming genuine interests of ordinary Muslims. We have many hypocrites among Muslims. Dr. Abdul Ruff (91-9961868309).(






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Please read below:

Correct if necessary.

The earliest non-Biblical reference to the name Israel occurs in the Merneptah Stele, erected in Egyptian pharaoh Merneptah's temple in 1209 BC:



Prophet Mohammed:

     Mohammed was born in about 570 A. D., the posthumous son of Abdullah (this date will be a focus point later). Mohammed was a member of a tribe called the Quraysh. Mohammed lived in the city but spent part of his childhood with a nomad group, roaming the Arabian desserts.

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