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Rajeev Kumar (Professioanl Social worker)     29 March 2011

Issue of conversion in Married inter-religious couple

Dear All

I found one Marital couple. They are known to me.  Bride belong to christian and Groom belong to Hindu religion. Their marriage was solemnized under Special marriage act-1954.

Now the family of bride is pressurizing Groom for getting convert in to Christian Religion. Groom is highly devout to hindu religion system. He is not willing to get convert in to christianity.

On the same way, bride is also likely to get pressurize to get convert in hindu religion.

Both the family gives the reasson that for the social occasion of their marriage, conversion is very much required.

I have read that under Article 25 of Indian constitution, every citizen has the right to practice his/her own faith.

I have also read that  forcing/ alluring /inducing for conversion from one religion to other religion is punisheable crime.

I invite your kind opinions regarding this case, how anti-conversion laws will be applicable here?

Kindly give your valuable opinions



 4 Replies

Tajobsindia (Senior Partner )     29 March 2011

@ Author

It is not possible to convert now since the marriage took place under Special Marriage Act 1954 which reflects the true sprit of Indian secularism as it is in consonance with India‘s heterogeneity and multiplicity of religious faith. Conversion does not make any effect on matrimonial ties as the Act is the secular legislations and itself contemplate inter caste and inter religious marriages.

Best way out is preaching gospel of tolerance and respect of others religious faith, beliefs and practicies to respective families or the couple’s parents will themself lead them into divorce and all these they should have thought about pre-marriage is my view which may differ with others !

Rajeev Kumar (Professioanl Social worker)     02 April 2011

Dear  Sir

I redefine my query once again.  I just want to know that  in Inter-religious marriedd couple,  if one of spouse feels forced or actually forced to convert in other religio,

then in that whether ANTI -CONVERSION LAW  is applicable? whether spouse or family members can be trapped in conversion casse?

Kindly reply the query



Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     02 April 2011

what is anti conversion law? there is nothing like that.

there is an act in ipc that - if any body convert one forcedly, against his/her  will, -  he will be punished under that sec. i could not remember that sec, but if you need i shall try to find.


in case of special marriage act, conversion or anti conversion has no effect like hma.


my suggestion - do not take any steps like police complain, that will destroy the family harmony and peace. those who trying to keep them under pressure, tell them the spouses unwilling to convert, and they will remain in their own believes. a whisper campaign may be done that it is punishable offence under ipc.


i hope it will work.

Rajeev Kumar (Professioanl Social worker)     03 April 2011

Dear Mr. Anoop

I am agreed with you. actually seems that you are in favour to save the family first. In the controversy of religion, family will suffer.

There are statewise Anti-conversion act, like in Tamil nadu, Madhyapradesh, Orrisa Rajasthan etc.

There Forceful, fraudant, inducement conversion is punisheable crime.

actually issue of Religious conversion came in light in tribal areas, remote rural areas.

But in the case of married couple, issue of religious conversion rarely came in light.

Give your opinion



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