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S.B _Kolkata (Service)     11 May 2010

It is the right time to protest against 498a

Every 4 minutes in India an innocent person (who never demanded any dowry or money from the wife/daughter-in-law) including old mothers/pregnant sisters/children are facing false and fabricated Dowry cases and sent behind bars without any evidence (since no evidence is required and 498A is non-bailable).
Despite the Law commission and various judges' recommendations to make 498A a bailable offence, our lawmakers have not made any effort to save the innocent people who are being victimized by the abusive women and their families.
We must stop this legal terrorism (as termed by the Supreme Court of India) by our radical women organizations that openly advocates and legitimizes adultery by the wife and killing of the unborn child (against the husband's wishes).

 3 Replies

S.B _Kolkata (Service)     11 May 2010

Honestly we men are responsible for our attitude. And after being bitten when we ask, Are men taken for granted? The answer is a Harsh “Yes” “Because Men themselves have taken their concern for rights and other things for granted”

Wake up!!! Change your attitude fellow Indian Men. 498A and Domestic Violence bill is equally applicable to all of you. Your parents, your siblings and any other relatives are vulnerable by it.

Those surpanakhas (daughter-in-law) who are disguised as sitas in our society are lured and tempted by the facilites given to them by such law, they accuse innocent husbands and their families with Section 498A, facilities like the burden of proof lies with the accused. We can't make ourselves and our families so pathetic.
And when the accused is proven innocent, then NO legal action for misleading is taken (by default), against the girl. Millions of Innocent Indian Men and their families are loosing on their precious savings, Productive time, Earnings and Careers too in proving them innocent.
We need a change in the current scenario.

Arup (UNEMPLOYED)     12 May 2010

"surpanakhas are in disguis of sitas. "

yes, true.  but what is your plan?

let us share.

legaljoe68 (member)     31 May 2010

One of my friend committed suicide in baroda gujarat after his wife accused him and his aged parents of 498A . This happened after 8 years of marriage . It is beleived that the police harasses the acused in such cases and humiliate them. It is required that the procedure of arrest be simplified . Tahing finger prints , taking photographs with slate in hand , media coverage . This humiliation finishes the persons. 498 A cases should be dealt in family courts where the accused are voluntarily made to surrender with the help of independent NGO's and not Police ke NGOS.



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