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CA Adarsh Agrawal (CMD of SHAYVIDZ Group)     22 April 2010


List of documents required to be submitted by the Issuers at the time of joining NSDL:-

1.      Letter of intent cum Master Creation Form (ie application in prescribed format - enclosed).

2.      Certified true copies of Audited Annual Reports for last two years.

3.      Certified true copy of Memorandum of Association / Articles of Association.

4.      Copies of listing/trading permission/confirma tion letter received from the stock exchanges with Distinctive Number Range (DNR) for listing of all its shares (for listed companies).

5.      Copy of the latest Secretarial Audit Report submitted to the stock exchanges (for listed companies)

6.      Confirmation letter from Registrar and Transfer Agent for common registry in the enclosed format (applicable for listed companies, optional for unlisted company, hence required only if (unlisted) company has opted for common registry)

7.      Book value certificate in the enclosed format (for unlisted companies)

8.      Undertaking from company in the enclosed format (for private limited companies).

9.      Form 2 from ROC for all issues if any after the last balance sheet date. Book Value Certificate after the date of last allotment.

10.  Form No. 5 if there is any variation in face value of shares or reduction in capital after the last balance sheet date.

11.  If the company is already admitted in CDSL, the ISIN activation letter from CDSL to be submitted.

 5 Replies

CA Adarsh Agrawal (CMD of SHAYVIDZ Group)     22 April 2010


Procedure for admission of equity shares into CDSL

1. The company should forward certified true copies of the following documents to CDSL along with the master creation form <
https://mail. exchange/ dpcorp/Drafts/ downloads/ forms/Master_ Creation_ Form_For_ Equity_And_ Prefence_ Shares.doc> and a demand draft favouring 'Central Depository Services (India) Limited' towards annual charges <https://mail. exchange/ dpcorp/Drafts/ RE:%20NSDL% 20JOINING% 20PROCEDURE: .EML/iccharge. htm> ** through their RTA:

Annual Report for the last 3 years

Board Resolution for admission of securities in CDSL, about authorised signatories and appointment of RTA

Memorandum & Articles of Association along with Incorporation Certificate.

Draft Offer Document, in case of IPO

Brief profile of the Company and promoters.

Networth Certificate

Bank attested specimen signature, Pan card or Passport of authorised signatories

Secretarial Audit Report.(Listed)

Capital confirmation / Listing certificate from all the Stock Exchanges where the security is Listed.

Capital confirmation / In-principle approvals for listing from all the Stock Exchanges where the security is proposed to be Listed

Form 2 along with ROC receipt.(In case of increase in the paid up capital after the date of latest Balance Sheet.)

Letter from RTA confirming about electronic and physical connectivity. (Listed)

If approved, the tri-partite (for-franking <
https://mail. exchange/ dpcorp/Drafts/ downloads/ joining_proc/ Tripartite- Agreement- (for-franking) .pdf> / on-stamp-paper) <https://mail. exchange/ dpcorp/Drafts/ downloads/ joining_proc/ Tripartite- Agreement- (on-stamp- paper).pdf> or bi-partite (for-franking <https://mail. exchange/ dpcorp/Drafts/ downloads/ joining_proc/ Bi-partite- Agreement- (for-franking) .pdf> / on-stamp-paper) <https://mail. exchange/ dpcorp/Drafts/ downloads/ joining_proc/ Bi-partite- Agreement- (on-stamp- paper).pdf> agreement is executed by CDSL

In case of admission of equity shares of an unlisted company ( indemnity-cum- undertaking on Rs.200/- non judicial stamp paper <
https://mail. exchange/ dpcorp/Drafts/ downloads/ UNDERTAKING% 20-Indemnity% 20for%20Unlisted %20Companies. doc> ) / private limited company ( indemnity-cum- undertaking on Rs.200/- non judicial stamp paper <https://mail. exchange/ dpcorp/Drafts/ downloads/ UNDERTAKING- %20Indemnity% 20for%20Private% 20Ltd%20Cos. _final.doc
> ) in the prescribed format

CA Adarsh Agrawal (CMD of SHAYVIDZ Group)     22 April 2010


CDSL's annual custody fee payable by Issuers are based on the greater of Rs 5.00(*) per folio (ISIN position) in the depository or the nominal value of admitted securities as per the table mentioned below.

Nominal Value of admitted securities (Rs.)       Annual Custodial Fee Payable by an Issuer to the Depository (Rs.)(*)
Upto 5 crores    Rs.4,000 per annum
Above 5 crores and upto 10 crores        Rs.10,000 per annum
Above 10 crores and upto 20 crores       Rs.20,000 per annum
Above 20 crores  Rs.30,000 per annum
* Plus service tax as applicable (i.e 12.36% at present)

Joining / Processing fees at the time of admission of securities Rs.20,000+ service tax applicable

*       In case of admission of Commercial Papers (C.P), a processing fee of Rs 5000/- plus service tax is charged for admission of any number of Commercial Papers during a financial  year in addition to the above charges.

*       In case of admission of Certificate of Deposits (C.D), a processing fee of Rs 1000/- plus service tax is charged in addition to the above charges.

*       In case of admission of Pass through Certificate (PTCs) ,a charge of Rs 5000/- plus service tax is levied for processing all issues of PTCs under an ISIN is charged in addition to the above charges

Dr. L.N. Lion (CMD)     22 April 2010

Thanks for the charges detail. It is going to help me in my business planning.

Mr. Learner, please check your PM.

CA Adarsh Agrawal (CMD of SHAYVIDZ Group)     23 April 2010

Thanks for comments sir ! i'll surely keep in touch with you !!

Monali (Service)     02 October 2010

Dear Learner,

Thanks for the detailed procedure. Only thing which I would like to add is before going for this procedure, it is advisable to visit depositories sites i.e. and


Thanks once again for the knowledge sharing.



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