1. In absence of any express writing, the share of the joint shareholders / members of the society or Company is always equal ?
eg. : if A & B are the members then their individual share is always on 50:50 basis or if there are three hodlers then they all share 1/3 part of the share / property ?
2. can the joint holders appoint different persons as their nominee i.e. going by above example can A' appoint X as a nominee for his 50% share and B' appoint Y as a nominee for his share?
3. can A' simply write in his WILL that his share be allocated to X or Y? without mentioning his % holding?
4. In case of death of a member, where the nominee was appointed, the Society has to , while transferring the shares in the name of nominee, write that X or Y is a nominee or that they are not entitled to sell the property? how to disclose prohibition on the nominee from sell of shares unless they are proved to be legal heir?
5. In case of shares of a Company - can the nominee gets shares transferred in his name and sell?