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siyaram verma (CMD)     07 January 2012

Joint property

Me & My Father both purchased a house in our joint name in 2006,registry is done in both the name,property was of 23lacs and we took the loan of 27 lacs.we both are borrowers.
i have filed in civil court for de-marketion ..from the first month me & my father is paying the EMI to the bank from our personal my father got to know that i have filed for de-marketion he replied that he is not the owner of the property he is challenged the registry also.
ultimatly i have submitted my pass book and loan agreement copy which it self profe that i have apid all the EMI and loan ageerement profes that i am a borrower.
but as civil cases takes long time as usual he wanted to lengthy the case,where in i am paying my EMI and my father is not staying in that house from last 6 year the whole house in in my passesion and i am paying the elctricity & water bill & maintainence.
but one day when i was in my office he came to house and pyut the lock on my tarrace and took the key with him.
the court has appointed the commisioner and he has submitted the report where in he clearly mentioned that my father is not staying in the house.
but my father is keep on answering that he is staying in that house only.
now the case in on the possion of evidence than dikri.

everything is in my favour that only issue to take the key from him?

please suggest

 1 Replies

Adv Ankit Gupta, 09812153530, (practise in high court chd)     07 January 2012

Dear Mr. Siya Ram, Wt is ur question is not clear and If in sale-deed u both r purchased it than both of u r owner of it.

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