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NewDefendant (None)     12 October 2014

Judge transferred, what next?

Final stage in trial court - judgement. However, before he could deliver his judgment the judge was transferred. So what happens next. Will the matter be argued all over again even though arguments were already completed and written submissions were filed?


Thank you.


 8 Replies

Anirudh (Advocate)     12 October 2014

If the fact situation is as revealed by you, then the case will be heard by a new judge afresh all over again.

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sankar P (supervisor)     12 October 2014

@ Anirudh sir,

if the new hon. judge will afresh all the case again, then again we have to start from trail itself?

Kindly clarify sir,

Many thanks

NewDefendant (None)     12 October 2014

Can written submissions be changed by the other party and resubmitted to the new judge? 

Or will judge hear only oral arguments?

prakash chandra jain (proprietor.)     12 October 2014

dear.transfer of a judge does not affect your case adverse toyour interest. let written arguemants continue there. the succeeding judge will hear both sides, read written arguments and decide case.- prakash chandra jain advocate,indore-09826779759

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K.Uthirapathy (Member Secretary)     12 October 2014


You can pray the new Judge to rely upon the written arguments.

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Advocate Bhartesh goyal (advocate)     12 October 2014

Succeeding judge will hear case a fresh and will consider on both arguments oral as well as written and then deliver judgment.

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T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     17 October 2014

The succeeding judge would like to hear both the sides arguments afresh but he may not ask both the sides to submit fresh written arguments, the one already submitted will be considered as it is.

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Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Advocate)     29 August 2015

this is not the first time a judge is transferred

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