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kishan (Conservator of forests)     15 December 2015

Judgement reserved??

The often heard stage of the case on conclusion of arguments is Judgement reserved.

And it may take months before the judgement is given, and the pettitioner may win or lose after waiting for long. Is it proper to keep the judgeemnt pending for months together?


 2 Replies

cyberlawyer (barrister)     15 December 2015

The meaning for reserving a judgment is, that judgment will be passed on the day on which it is reserved regardless of the arguments of either side. It is the time fixed for judgment and should be passed without postponing the verdict. In most cases judgment will be reserved wherein either party is protracting his arguments. 

If judgment is reserved but postponed further, then its purpose is not served. 

T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Advocate)     25 December 2015

The expert Mr. Cyber Lawyer has explained properly on the issue, I concur with his views.

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