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Guest (n/a)     09 January 2009

Judges Inquiry Bill, 2006 - Scope

A lot is said about Judges Inquiry Bill, 2006. What is the scope of the Bill?


 2 Replies

AEJAZ AHMED (Legal Consultant/Lawyer)     10 January 2009


The scope of the Bill is " for establishing the National Judicial Council to undertake priliminary investigation and inquiry into the allegations of misbehaviour or incapacity of a Judge of the Supreme Court oe of a High Court and to regulate the procedure for such investigation, inquiry and proof, and for imposing minor measures; and for the presentation of an address by parliament ti the President and for matters connected therwith.

Some of the important measures introduced are:

  1. Create a mechanism for any person to complain about misbehavior of a high court or supreme court Judge;

  2. Establish a National Judicial Council to inquire into such allegations,

  3. Permit an impeached judge to appeal against the impeachment in the supreme court, and

  4. Resort to "minor measures" (Such as withdrawal of work, public censure, e.t.c) other than impeachment, for offenses that do not warrant such an extreme measure.

The Judges (Inquiry) Bill, 2006, is one enthusiastic step taken by the Legislature to put an end to corruption in the Supreme Court and the High courts.

Copy of (i) The Judges Enquiry Bill, 2006 Bill & (ii) Comments of the Committee on Judicial Accountability on the Bill  is herewith attached separately.


Attached File : 13 judges inquiry bill - 2006.pdf downloaded: 273 times

AEJAZ AHMED (Legal Consultant/Lawyer)     10 January 2009


Comments of the Committee on Judicial Accountability on the Bill  is herewith attached

Attached File : 17 comments - judges inquiry bill.pdf downloaded: 260 times

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