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dheeraj (none)     01 January 2013

Just got married and she is cheating


I recently got married, just 3 weeks now. We met on
After getting married from second day I started getting strange feeling about my wife. She was not allowing me to
touch her and talking very rude. I thought she is new to my home so behaving strangely.
But then we went for honeymoon , there also nothing changed, whole period was very stress full.
I started getting bad feeling about her behavior ( seems like something else is going on in her mind)
To monitor her activity on Internet I installed one software on her PC.  From the log I got to know she is having a affair with some guy from other city.
From their chat It looks like they even had s*x before marriage and planing to continue relationship in future.

so I got pissed off and talked to her directly. she accepted and promised she will not talk to him again. but she is still in contact with him.

he created a fake profile and they are doing all things to hide it from me.

Now i tried to talk to here again but this time I lost my temper and started shouting on her ( didnt did any physical abuse ).

She is saying now she wants to go back to her home for some time to forgot him. should I allow her to go back to home ?

May be she can lie to them and make some fake story.

Her father is lawyer so I am afraid they might put some wrong case on me
(We didn't asked for any thing during marriage, also even her wedding jewelry came from her family are still at her home. I wanted court marriage but they forced us to have normal marriage ).

Should I talk to someone in family ?

I have the proof of her conversation as screen shots.
I really loved her and wanted to forgive her but here attitude and lies are pushing me away.

 7 Replies

rajiv_lodha (zz)     01 January 2013

Do talk to her parents on this issue. Confront them with the proof u got. May be some marriage councelling makes ur married life better. involve elders from both sides too.

Though the things move in a case specific way, but generally its seen that SUCH KIND OF GIRLS ARE NEVER INTO U & CONTINUE THEIR PAST RELATIONSHIP. WHEN CORNERED, THEY BRING OUT 498A+406 2 HAVE EASY EXIT+EXTORTION MONEY.

This is the price 2 pay being an Indian Male.

1 Like


Hey......while showing proofs to her record what they normally they will defer later on incase she files any false case,

JANAK RAJ VATSA (ADVOCATE)     01 January 2013

it is advisable to give her a chance as she is requesting. may be she is taking time to break away from her past. but you should definitely talk to her parents about it and also show them the proof. may be that the counselling by them proves useful. in addition, also talk to the family members about it so that later on it does not come as a shock . remain vigilant

1 Like

rajesh (asdadad)     02 January 2013

same case as mine . . I gave her chance and she kept running to her parent place ,was forcin me to switch to her pre marriage work location city so tht she cn join her old ofc n continue her affair , aborted our 1st child and thn filed divorce after completion of 1 yr married life . She was wid me jst 4 6 months out of 18 months married life . . Once i tried to end my life due to her and her parents torture . . My suggestion : dnt trust her and leave her . Thr is no pt in running after a shooting star , remember tht u wont catch it bt tht star is gonna burst up widin few minutes . . Leave her as thr r millions of betta choices available 4 u . . I m speakin frm my personal exp's . . Leave her man nd b a man . . Let her do spoil her own life nt urs. .

SAA_Bombay (Pro)     02 January 2013

Will look that i am talking negaitve, but practically, end this relation as soon as possible. She has made your life painfull. gather your family members along with some third party like someone elder from your community & same way from your in laws. In meeting explorer everything. This will make you safe & will have proof that you are not wrong & she is not behaving properly. Now a days, laws favor very much to women, so better act wisely then being emotional fool. softly discuss matter with your in laws, i am sure they were knowing this before your marraige. It was forced marriage for your wife. 

From my experiance what i have seen around me, not wait, time will pass very fast. One day, you will be whipping to yourself that you should have taken fast dicision on same. 

sukhwant singh (student)     07 January 2013

dear, forget everything & save yourself and your family from 498A & 406, rest can be taken care of. good luck

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