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Karnataka debates whether to teach The Gita in schools..

Page no : 2

Originally posted by :prince world
" Consider girl as sin & bad thing. Tha's why girl infanticide rate is highest in india. "


this is a famous proverb, i don't think anyone who says this would consider girl a sin. where did you get your facts from?


Never strike your wife - even with a flower.  ~Hindu Proverb

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Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     27 July 2011

Originally posted by :prince world

what hindu's gave to india.



Creater of sati.

Creater of nar bali.

Consider girl as sin & bad thing. Tha's why girl infanticide rate is highest in india.

Creater of devdasi pratha.

Who fear of crossing river.

Who consider novel like ramayan & mahabharat as holy books. 

Who says RAM was born on place where today is babri mandir. Did ram was born in open ground  ? Why can't there be any ruins of a palace ?

Who worship shivling. p***s . Mother pour milk on it with his son. Father with daughter. Great.



Hinduism is a religion full of superstition . Hindus gave 36 crore god's to india & none is working for countries upliftment . 

Where nudity is considred good. 


Hindu's  think 'bhagwaan will be happy if we dance in front of them. If we sang in front of them & sing his greatness. Who think to awaken god by ringing bells lowdly. So lowdly that a deseased person can lead to death. Mandir is world's crowdest worship place.

Hindu consider ram a "god" who leave her pregnant wife alone in forest. On her destiny. Without even giving her basic aminities. What happen if a rishi didn't look after her ? where she gave birth ? What happen if wild animals eat her childs ?

Ram - What's his greatness ??

He got back his wife who was kidnapped by someone. Enough. Where is greatness in it ? Also he defeat ravan by cheating. By bringing his brother to his side. & also with

the help of some monkey army. Where's his greatness ?


Hindu's worship pandav. I don't know why ? b'coz they put on bet there wife ? B'coz someone was removing there wife's clothes & they sat quitly. Ever think what really happened there in really ? Dushasan make bropadi clothless in front of whole DARBAR. Pandav's defeat kauravs by cheating also. Bheem hit on duryodhan's thigh. Is that the only time left for bheem to fulfil his oath ? Why don't he hit inside the darbar ? Also didn't bropadi abuse duryodhan ?


Jain's in hindu. Why they wander nude ? We are human . We have a sence called shame. We are not animal who have no relation of mother & sister. Why can't there women wander nude also ? 


What is meant by bhog ? Do bhagwan become happy by bhog & make wish come true ?


Hindu's who have no sence of even wearing clothes. just roll a cloth on them. No manners. Why saree for women ? 


Hindu who didn't have a manner of cooking & eating. Forners teach them value & use of spices. 


It's due to hindu maratha's like shivaji who weaken mughals & make entry of britishers easy. They sell themselves for a little money. Mughals didn't allow anyone to entre.

Mughals make india bird of gold. What hindu gave ? All money to temples ? What god will do of it ?


Hindu who sees god in every thing. They are so depend on god & are so lazy that they leave all there work to be done by god.  


Who worship gods with special body parts. & looks scary. They think that an elephant can ride a mouse. Think snake as god. Everything who fear them they consider it as god. 

It's hinduism who stopped India's development. They are always busy in wheedling the god. 


You talk about foreigners teaching Indians how to eat.


How is eating style connected to Gita?This is absurd.


Rather,many foreigners are a fan of Gita



Secondly,we are discussing teaching of Geeta.We are not discussing what the Hindus are doing in this Kaliyug.


Kindly do not mislead people by mixing teachings of Bhagvada Gita,with the conduct of present day Hindus.


You have talked of many misdeeds of present day Hindus in your above post.


So I challenge you to find all those sentences in Gita which promote these conducts?


I am eagerly waiting for your posts now..


Please find them & post here.I look forward to these posts now.


If you cannot find,kindly keep quiet.



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prince world (manager)     27 July 2011

Reply to roo ba roo - It's a proverb man. Check the reality. 


Reply to roshni b.. - Except shivaji which of them is today's or kalyug's ? Many of them are since starting (aryans). Check- . If only gita is discussed then why debasis88 drag muslims here ?

Dipangkar (Business)     28 July 2011

Originally posted by :prince world


It's hinduism who stopped India's development. They are always busy in wheedling the god. 


It should NOT be stated as hindunism which stopped India's developement, but what should be stated here is the secular views of Hindunism... to trust & to accept peoples of every Community & Religions as their own family.

zimmerzapper (student)     28 July 2011

Originally posted by : Dipangkar
" the secular views of Hindunism... to trust & to accept peoples of every Community & Religions as their own family. "



dipangkar you mean to say this has stopped india's development? maybe it was the half hearted adherence to hinduism which stopped the development of india.

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coming back to the topic of the thread, i have read some parts of the gita and i didn't really find anything a school going kid can understand.

Roshni B.. (For justice and dignity)     28 July 2011

A school going kid has to be explained simply.Don't we teach other subjects to children also simply?So why not Bhagvada Geeta?


@Prince world


Now are are discussing other issues to divert the issue.I knew this is what you will do,since you have no answer to my questions,asked in my last post.


I am simply asking you to produce even 1 single sentence of Gita which teaches wrong deeds to people.But you started discussing Sati system & about Shivaji.If Gita has propagated Sati,plase post the exact extract,where this was professed.


In case you still have no answers,please don't bring other issues in this thread.


So I challenge you again.I hope you will follow my humble request to you,and don't mix up other issues this time.


Dipangkar (Business)     28 July 2011

Originally posted by :zimmerzapper
dipangkar you mean to say this has stopped india's development? maybe it was the half hearted adherence to hinduism which stopped the development of india.


zimmer, everyone knows that it's actually corruptions that  stopped india's development. :)

And It is also Religions & their blind followers that slowed down the developement of the world & Science.

It is Religious EGOs that are the main culpits that stops the followers from admitting the same.


But when Prince world accused the Beliefs of Hindunism as  "stopped india's development", i still think and will say, he should be saying it as the "Secular view of Hindunism" instead. if he points to condemn the said Religion exclusivly.


Why. ?


Hindunism's secular views let their followers mix with various Religions as their own near & dears. As every Religions has their own Belief systems,Rules, & Laws. Hence conflicts arises between lay men following different Religions in day-to-day activities.


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prince world (manager)     28 July 2011


to dipankar-

secular ... who ? hinduism ? 

Did hindu except one who change her caste ? Leave it... Did hindu's except even of lower caste persons ?  How you says hindu's treat other as there own Family. Hindu's even didn't drink water from the hand of lower caste . They didn't except there family mambers. Leave other religion behind. And you says hindu's are secular.

By the way,  who are hindu's to say that they except others ? India didn't belong to only hindus. A lot of hindus converted to other religions to save there life & livelihood & save there soul also. India belong to them. It's not a personal property of hindu's only. If it is in control of hindu's they throw other's out.

It's hindu's non-secular views our that country didn't get developed. Look at any other developed country- america , japan , dubai , europe etc.They are in real secular. China is under-developed till it is closed . It got developed only after it allows other's to enter his country.  Same for hindu's . They fear of outer world & habitual to be in boundries.


Also , it's effort of those person's who left India & look reality of outer world that gave us independence. It's english teaching ( mahatma gandhi & other english educated persons). Not by those who taught ved-purans etc. Hindu's religious books give nothing except fantasy & limitations. 


South asia , indian sub-continent is most disturb area in the world. Why ? Majority of hindu's live here. They disturb other neighbours a lot. Why india which controled by mostly hindu's has problem with every neighbour except nepal( only hindu country in the world ) ? Where is secular views of hindu's here ?


Madam roshni. I didn't read geeta. But I was sure it is also same like ved puran. Which didn't give anything except imaginery non practical talk & stories.   I am not saying specific about geeta. I was showing mirror to hinduism. 

Dipangkar (Business)     29 July 2011

Originally posted by :prince world
to dipankar-

secular ... who ? hinduism ? .......
......... I was showing mirror to hinduism. 

@ prince world,

What ever you said in this thread doesn't reflect as a mirror to Hindunism, but shows your some kinds of Hatred towards Hindunism & it's beliefs.

Remember, if arguments & views of the low sides are seeked against a Religion & it's beliefs, then neither the Quran nor the Bible too can escape it.

What do you call yourself ? A Muslim who live in India ? That's your lowfall of observation, for you have seldom understood the true meaning of Hundinusm & it's secularism.

What's a HINDU and what's Hindunism ? Why is it Secular ? Understand these first...

The word "Hindu" is NOT a Sanskrit word. It is NOT found in any of the thousands of native dialects and languages of India. Neither it is a religious word. It is a secular word whose origin is rooted in the language of the ancient Persians, who supposedly shared some common ancestry with the ancient Indians.



It was practically unknown in India till the medieval period, although it was used in several countries outside the Indian subcontinent from earlier times. It is said that the Persians who were familiar with the Indian subcontinent, used to refer to the Indus river as Sindhu, a major river that still flows in the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent, partly in India and partly in Pakistan. However due to linguistic barriers, they could not pronounce the letter "S" correctly in their native tongue and mispronounced it as "H." Thus, for the ancient Persians, the word "Sindhu" became "Hindu."


The Indus people who lived on the banks of the river Indus were known to the outside world by the same name. The ancient Persian Cuneiform inscripttions and the Zend Avesta refer to the word "Hindu" as a geographic name rather than a demographic or religious name. When the Persian King Darious 1 extended his empire up to the borders of the Indian subcontinent in 517 BC, some Hindus became part of his empire and army. Thus for a very long time the ancient Persians referred to the people of the Indian subcontinent as Hindus. The ancient Greeks and Armenians followed the same pronunciation. Gradually the name stuck.



Interestingly the word "India" has the same origin as the Hindus. Those who feel appalled at the idea of someone referring to all Indians as Hindus should read this. Just as the ancient Persians and probably Sumerians mispronounced the word Sindhu, the ancient Greeks used to mispronounce the river Sindhu as "INDOS". When Alexander invaded India, the Macedonian army referred to the river as Indus and the land east of the river as India. The Greek writers who wrote about Alexander preferred to use the same name.


For the Arabs the land became Al-Hind.



The Muslim rulers and travelers who came to India during the medieval period referred the Indian subcontinent as "HINDUSTAN" and the people who lived there as HINDUS.



The British continued the practice and referred in the beginning all the natives as Hindoos. Later THEY began using the word more as a religious term to distinguish them from Muslims as well as Christians,. At the same time they used the word "Indian" in a wider and more secular context to refer all the people who were native to the land. The distinction suited them well to lump all natives as Indians to distinguish them from the rest of their colonial subjects for administrative purposes, while the word Hindoo served them well to implement their policy of divide and rule within India.


For a long time for the native Indians, the Indian subcontinent was Bharata, the land founded by the famous King Bharata, the progenitor of the Bharata clan. Literally translated, the word "Bharata" meant lover of knowledge and the people inhabiting the land considered themselves as such. They believed the religion they followed was an eternal religion and called it as "sanatana dharma," which meant the same.



It is interesting to note that the word is neither Sanskrit nor Dravidian and did not originate in India. It was not used by Indians in their descripttions or writings till the 17th century. The original definition of the word Hindu, is any one who lives in the subcontinent is a Hindu and whatever religion he or she practices is Hinduism. The word Hindu is a secular word and literally translated it means Indian and the word Hinduism denotes any religion or religions that are practiced by the multitude of people living in the land beyond the river Indus.



In today's India, the word Hindu & Hindunism is mostly misunderstood and misused. Many people have no idea how these words came into existence. The Indus river, with which the word is associated, now flows mostly in Pakistan although it originates in India. It is no more part of the native pride. It is almost forgotten or overlooked and its place is being taken over by the river Ganga. 

Source, if you are interested in further reading on the subject  :

* Definition and Distinguishing Features of Hinduism
* The History, Antiquity and Chronology of Hinduism
* Origin, Definition and Introduction to Hinduism
* Hinduism, origins, roots, antecedents, in search of the source.
* Hinduism-in search of a true definition
* An over view of Hinduism
* Hinduims is a way of life - the true meaning.
* Herodotus account of India

prince world (manager)     29 July 2011

Thanks for your info. It's also generally available in wikipedia. 

So , what conclusion you or I get from all this lefthy post ? Why you post meaning of hinduism ?

A LION is considired a king of jungle not due to it's name but due to it's nature , it's power , it's ability . 


If a human called himself a LION he didn't become a lion & vise versa. 

I think you surely understand which hindu's I was talking of. By singing history you cannot change there nature & superstitions. 



Now please don't reply baselessly again. I know no-one has answers of my blames except giving false logics.

prince world (manager)     29 July 2011

Originally posted by : Dipangkar
What do you call yourself ? A Muslim who live in India ? That's your lowfall of observation, for you have seldom understood the true meaning of Hundinusm & it's secularism.

I didn't just call myself a muslim who live in india. I also call myself a hindu who change it's religion after getting fed up of hindu's superstitious behaviour. My ancestors are hindu's but they obliged me by changing there religion otherwise I was also living a life of misery & poverty.

Dipangkar (Business)     29 July 2011

Originally posted by : prince world

Thanks for your info. It's also generally available in wikipedia.

* These references are NOT cut-paste wikipedia references. I have already given you the sources of those Research papers on the subject in my above post. You can try to find those books at bookstores or try to buy from eBay / internet etc.



Originally posted by : prince world

So , what conclusion you or I get from all this lefthy post ? Why you post meaning of hinduism ?

* Here the arguments between you and me is about the secularism of Hindus & Hinduism. It's required that you bear some knowledges on Hinduism & Hindus before bringing out such arguments on the subject.




Originally posted by : prince world

A LION is considired a king of jungle not due to it's name but due to it's nature , it's power , it's ability . If a human called himself a LION he didn't become a lion & vise versa.

* To consider the nature , power or the ability of a Lion, you should first know what IS a Lion, or you might end up considering a mouse as a Lion or vise versa. If you don't know the Base of Hindus & Hinduism don't try to "consider" for the same.




  Originally posted by : prince world

I think you surely understand which hindu's I was talking of. By singing history you cannot change there nature & superstitions. Now please don't reply baselessly again. I know no-one has answers of my blames except giving false logics.

* You now call the BASE History of Hindu & Hinduism as "baseless" & "false logic" ?? Reread what i wrote in my above post about the subject & then argue next regarding it.

Dipangkar (Business)     29 July 2011

Originally posted by :prince world
I didn't just call myself a muslim who live in india. I also call myself a hindu who change it's religion after getting fed up of hindu's superstitious behaviour. My ancestors are hindu's but they obliged me by changing there religion otherwise I was also living a life of misery & poverty.


It's your ancestors fault that they obliged you to change your Religions so that  you will not be "living a life of misery & poverty".


If you or your sons / grandsons AGAIN find a "life of misery & poverty" in future life, then what will you do this time ? 

Condemn the Quran & Islam & migrate to Christianity ????

The Errors of observation is in your Family / Ancestors, for not being able to Stand up on their own stand, with whatever Religion they might be with.

Your personal life-story itself reflects the Secularism of the Hindus & Hindunism.


India, Hindustan, ---- whatever you may call it, all who lives here no-matter with whatever Religions are considered as Hindus in Hinduism.


I repeat (The original definition of the word Hindu, is any one who lives in the subcontinent is a Hindu and whatever religion he or she practices is Hinduism. The word Hindu is a secular word and literally translated it means Indian and the word Hinduism denotes any religion or religions that are practiced by the multitude of people living in the land beyond the river Indus.) 

Still, when the constitution of India is made, the same Hindus & Hinduism... ALLOWED, ACCEPTED and CONSIDERED ..... to display and to use exclusive views of some among those very Hindus, who wants to run their own Sharia Law exclusively, even while being in India. They are what you now call as Indian Muslims.   


So, prince world,  Do you see the secularism here, of Hinduism ?????


Oh-ho. Long debate. I just returned from my short trip.Please gimme atleast one day to reply to all, back stabbers begging in our  holy land.