Dear All,
A petition has been filed with district registrar of societies Bangalore about financial misapplication by the executive committee of the temple. The misapplication/misappropriation can be explained as spending money in violation of the byelaws of the society. The present executive committee of the temple contends that these expenses were incurred by the previous executive committee and those annual accounts were approved in a previous annual general meeting and thus since accounts have been audited and approved by the general body, nothing be done at present.
My contention is that the annual general meeting passed the accounts in totality in good faith and the executive committee did not reveal in the agm that some expenses had been incurred in violation of the byelaws and did not seek their specific approval from the general body during the agm. These expenses were only discovered a month back from an employee who resigned from the temple.
Please let me know if these accounts of the temple for the past years can be reopened for investigation and how.
Jasvinder Singh