Hi Lawyers Club,
We purchased a A- Khata property in B'lore recently with surveyno. xxx/6/2B1/2. All other related papers show up this survey no. xxx/6/2B1/2 with old owner name(seller).
We applied for Khata transfer to ensure our name (buyer) gets reflected in BBMP records. We recieved the new Khata with our name(buyer) mentioned correctly but survey no. mentioned incorrectly i.e., xxx/6/2/B1/2 instead of xxx/6/2B1/2, an extra bar symbol /. As part of this, we recieved Khata cerficate, Khata extract and uttara patra from BBMP which show up the sy no. incorrectly.
We are worried as all other documents like sale deed, EC, Tax paid recipts, etc., holds sy no. as xxx/6/2B1/2...How do we go about updating this in BBMP records and wanted to know if there are any hidden impacts because of this.