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Shree. ( Advocate.)     25 December 2009

Kind attention forum moderator of LCI club

Kind attention forum moderator to ban the thug in the identity of M.K.Gandhi:


 1. He always gives  a bad name to Our country,Judiciary,Law Profession…etc etc...

 2. He never contributes positively , in fact never has one post to count.

 3. His posts are entirely degrading and insulting our law profession and justice system.

  4. His vile , pugnicious , thuggish, cowardly remarks are a blatant breach of the LCI forum rules since from his first post.

5. He should be reported to he could do with medical advice.

6. His sickening contemptous views on individuals and a whole nation are out of order and utterly unacceptable.

Further,simply  judging by his posts are all of  girlicious comments he is  nothing than a slimeball coward, but so far as forum is concern i will trust him as per the pattern of Qn and answer by observing for some time......Now I think it's time he should be banned permanently, which will hopefully improve environment of this forum and other members will also refrain from using dirty language here ! This person is a paranoid man and he can't control his tongue and always resorts to verbal abuses continue from day to day. our support will always be there with  the LCI moderator here...and we too expect the same in return. Its my humble request to  the moderator here on LCI, to edit all
the posts before displaying them here posted, there are some mentally sick people here ,who are not at all ashamed of posting dirty messages, and insulting other members..... ignore his messages and also delete his ids, so that they don’t come back here on  LCI ,otherwise people with self respect will never come back here on this site... Save this forum.....


 4 Replies

Shree ji, I understand your view. But I don't blame MK Gandhi ji also. What MK Gandhi ji posting is presently going situat ion in our country one have to accept or not. One have to welcome punching criticism also. As we are Advocates we have to give proper reply to his criticism with some ample evidence. This is my view. Final decision is with Admn.

Prodyut Banerjee (Advocate (Corporate Lawyer))     27 December 2009

I support the views of Mr. Sree.

Yes a person in democratic set up has full freedom to criticize anybody (including legal fraternity, judiciary and political persons) but in a decent manner. We have to keep in mind that it is a respected public forum. I will give the following quotes of Mr. M.K.Gandhi under the heading


SC says "Legalise Prostitution"



“………..For this New Year 2010 Three Judges full family females wear Panties and Bras, And male only under wear. Enjoy couple of hours in any Indian beaches. Before doing please give a statement we are going to do this so and so time………….. “

 I have earlier protested this kind of language. Please follow the link in this regard


 You may agree or disagree on a certain matter but you have no right to use abusive language or personally attack any person.

3 Like

Daksh (Student)     02 January 2010

Dear All,

Don't you think there has to be a cause of M.K Gandhi acting in a particular manner (which is not liked by other fellow collegues - if he intends to be in the limelight through his negativity you close one account he will come again in new Avtar this time with J N Nehru etc.) My point is take the bull by horn - a person cannot be bad but his thoughts might be.

Start a thread with "GET WELL SOON M K GANDHI"

Best regards


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