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Kudankulam nuclear terror project: dangers of radioactivity


Kudankulam Nuclear Terror Project: Dangers of Radioactivity and Nuclear War Devastations




Behind its fake claims of electricity generation in Kudankulam nuclear terror station, India wants to manufacture more nukes.

An a nuclear terror power, India possesses nuclear weapons and maintains short- and intermediate-range ballistic missiles, nuclear-capable aircraft, surface ships, and submarines under development as possible delivery systems and platforms. Production of weapons-grade plutonium is taking place at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, which is home to the CIRUS reactor, acquired from Canada and shut down in 2010, to the indigenous Dhruva reactor.


India has a declared nuclear no-first-use policy and is in the process of developing a nuclear doctrine based on "credible minimum deterrence."  However, India in 2010 indirectly signaled a significant shift from "No first use" to "no first use against non-nuclear weapon states, thereby admitting its desire to use it against Pakistan even without provocation.


Saying it needed electricity for the nation by using nuclear technology and its nuclear  program was not for manufacturing nukes, India tested a nuclear device in 1974 ("Smiling Buddha"), which it called a "peaceful nuclear explosion." The test used plutonium produced in the Canadian-supplied CIRUS reactor, and raised concerns that nuclear technology supplied for peaceful purposes could be diverted to weapons purposes. This also stimulated the early work of the Nuclear Suppliers Group. India performed further nuclear tests in 1998 ("Operation Shakti")


Though India has not made any official statements about the size of its nuclear arsenal, recent estimates suggest that India has between 80 and 100 nuclear weapons, consistent with earlier estimates that it had produced enough weapons-grade plutonium for up to 75–110 nuclear weapons. In 2005, it was estimated that India had between 40 and 50 warheads. In November 2008, India had about 70 assembled nuclear warheads, with about 50 of them fully operational.


It is estimated that India long ago had 4,200 kg of reactor grade plutonium which is enough to build 1,000 nuclear weapons. As of February 2011, the Federation of American Scientists estimated that India had a stockpile of 80-100 weapons. India is capable of producing 130 kilograms of weapon grade plutonium per year from six "unsafeguarded" reactors not included in the nuclear deal between India and the United States.


India is not a signatory to either the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) or the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). India is a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and only four of its 17 nuclear reactors are subject to IAEA safeguards.


India thus wants to be nuclear state without any real commitments.


The regime claims that it wants to exclusively generate “electricity” is false and a gimmick to fool the Indian masses and world at large.

Kudankulam nuclear terror project posses explosive character even with all possible safety measures provided, as  the regime and the nuclear terror agents falsely claims, will kill Tamils as well as nearby Malayalees of Kerala, from where the military minister and innocent looking AK Antony, who asks his  military terror boys to massacre innocent Kashmiri Muslims, hails. .

How many more nuclear terror  arms does India require and  for what? 

India must commit itself to serious disarmament. 


Both the radioactivity and future nuclear war possibility could have long term devastating effect on the state and region.

Kudankulam terror project should be wound down forthwith. And no more nuclear projects for India!

India has too many hidden agendas, but those against the people who have mandated the unworthy leaders to rule are the most cruel ones. 

Keep Tamil soil nuclear terror free!


د. عبد راف 

Dr. Abdul RuffSpecialist on State Terrorism; Educationalist;Chancellor-Founder of Centor for International Affairs(CIA); Independent Analyst;Chronicler of Foreign occupations & Freedom movements(Palestine,Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Xinjiang, Chechnya, etc); Anti-Muslimism and anti-Islamism are more dangerous than "terrorism" Anti-Islamic forces & terrorists are using criminal elements for terrorizing the world and they in disguise are harming genuine interests of ordinary Muslims. Global media today, even in Muslim nations, are controlled by CIA  & other anti-Islamic agencies. Former university Teacher;/ 91-9961868309/91-9961868309

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