One man has joined as NMR (Watchman) in Tamil Nadu Housing Board Chennai 600 035 (Government of Tamil Nadu Undertaking on 29-04-1984 and then his services has been regularized wef 23-10-1990 then appointed as Blue Printer in time scale. with effect from 07-07-1995.Due to medical grounds he could not attend duty wef 08-11-2005 for which the employer has framed charges on him. During the enquiry conducted on 05-02-2008,he has given apology for all my charges framed and requested permission to rejoin duty. In the meantime he has shifted his residence to some other places but not informed tohis employer.
2. Now, he is willing to re-join duty for which he has sent a representation to his employer by Registered Post through his immediate boss on 18-11-2017 seeking permission to re-join duty by treating the absence period from 08-11-2005 to till date as leave on loss of pay since he has not served the enquiry report .The representation letter has been received by the employer on 21-11-2017. But till date no response from them.
3. It may kindly be clarify as to whether he may send legal notice to his employer to joining duty or send complaint letter to letter to Labor Officer or file Consumer Complaint or call for details under RTI Act. My e mail id :
C. Shanmugam