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ajaysherring (n/a)     03 April 2008

Labour Laws::Delhi

Dear Members,

I had a query regarding the quantum of leave permitted under the Delhi Shops and Establishments Act:
1. How many days of Earned Leave is permitted?
2. How many days of Sick Leave is permitted?
3. Is there any Casual Leave permitted and if so, then how many days?

Are any of these leave category above permitted to be accummulated and encashed? Is there any provision for that?

I am facing a unique situation in regards to the above. If I can get an informative response to this query then I would like to present my problem and would welcome your possible solutions to that.

Thanks & regards,

 3 Replies

Nidhi Mathur (Advocate)     03 April 2008

Dear Ajay, According to Section 22 of The Delhi Shops & Establishment Act, 1954 every employee is entitled to privilege leave/annual leave/earned leave as mentioned below: i. After completing four months continuous employment- 5days. ii. After completing eight months of continuous employment- 10 days iii. After completing twelve months of continuous employment to all employees-15 days except in case of watchman and caretaker where it is 30 days. However, the total period of such privilege leave, which may be accumulated by such employee, shall not at any one time exceed three times the period of privilege leave/earned leave to which he is entitled after every twelve months' employment. According to Section 22 of The Delhi Shops & Establishment Act, 1954 every employee is entitled to one day for each month of service as casual or sick leave, totaling 12 days a year. This cannot be carried over to the next year in accordance to Section 22 (1A) (ii) of the Act. Trust this answers your query.

ajaysherring (n/a)     17 April 2008

Thank you, Nidhi. I do have another query and would appreciate any advice you could give: According to the Delhi S & Estd. Act of 1954, and as aptly explained by you, are employees entitled to a sum total of 12 days as Sick Leave/Casual Leave OR 12-days each of Sick Leave and another 12-days as Casual Leave? In other words, is there a total of 12-days available to employees for use as either Sick Leave or Casual Leave? Or do they have 12-days of Sick Leave and another set of 12-days as Casual Leave? Thank you for your inputs.

Angel Power (Law)     12 May 2008

Please ignore this

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