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shine mangalore (advocate)     11 February 2013

Land dispute

Dear friends,

My friend purchased a property and built a house in that property. At the time of buying that property there was no way for the property as they had to walk through one Mr A's property. Hence she paid the agreed amount to Mr A and obtained the right to walk and take vehicle on their property.  The right to walk and take vehicle in that property is documented. 

Now the owner(Mr X) of the land next to my friend's property has to pass through my friend's land to go by a vehicle to his property. Otherwise he has to take some othe route to go to his property. 

NOw my friend wants to build a fence for her property for which the engineer said that she has to take permission from panchayat to  build the fence. He further advised for getting permission from the panchayat, it is better to get an injunction from the court so that there wont be any problem in the future.

Please advise .

Thank you in advance.


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