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Madhusudhan   07 July 2021

Land dispute among children

Please help!
I am from Telangana State, my name is Krishna.
1) A land had been purchased and registered Sale Deed in the name of Mother and Son (Elder).
2) There is no mention of share on the sale deed.
3) Mother has 3 children in total. Father passed away.
4) Now mother wants that land to be in her Son (Elder) name.
5) However, the other 2 (sister and brother) doesn't want the same to be happen and creating disturbances.
6) So, what the mother has to do in-order to make her Son (Elder) the single owner of the property?


 2 Replies

srishti jain   08 July 2021

According to the scenario that you have mentioned, there are four ways to transfer property:

Sale Deed- A common option of transferring property is transfer by way of sale. When you sell a property for a consideration i.e. sale value, then execution of SALE DEED can be considered.

Gift Deed - A gift can an asset acquired without making a payment against it. If you might want to gift the property to any of your blood relatives, Gift deed can be used.  It is a better method than sale deed as there are no taxes to be paid if the gift is made to relatives.

Relinquish Deed- Relinquishment is the surrender of one’s ownership rights in favour of a co-owner. If there are multiple owners of assets, and if one of the co-owner needs to transfer his/her rights in the property to another co-owner then this can be possibly done through the execution of Relinquishment Deed. The property can be transferred with or without consideration.

Will- A property can be transferred through will. The beneficiaries of Will get the possession rights in a land only after the death of the Testator.

Madhusudhan   09 July 2021

Thank you Srishti!

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