Dear Sir/Madam,
I live in Karnataka, planning to PURCHASE a property built on a LAND LOSER SITE. 1st party(lady) was allotted a land loser site 10 years ago, has a title deed, then sold it to Mr.X in 2006. He built a house and lived for few years and now wants to sell it to me.I have a few questions regarding this.
1.Is it safe to buy a land loser site?Is he allowed to sell the site?
2.Does the land loser also pay a nominal sum of money to Urban development and then get the site allotted?
3.Any implications in future in buying this site.?
4.Any special document to be requested from the seller/MUDA?
5. Any chances of the 1st part(lady)'s children claiming the property now, which I am intending to purchase?
any other relevant information also highly appreciated.
Thanks and Regards