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krishna (owner)     28 January 2015

Land purchased in bank auction having issue

I have participated in bank auction and paid full amount of bid price. Auction advertisement mentioned that road on east side that's how previous owner got loan from bank and having his registration(1990). Then his wife claiming that she purchased front portion(east side) of land and road from different person(1997). She is having registration document for that. if it is the case I will not have access to my land. Bank is saying that we have right to be in possession and I will in possession after registration. If any one else want to claim they have to come from court. 

Can I get your valuable advice please.

 2 Replies

bhagwat patil (Property due diligence 9422773303)     29 January 2015



If the cirumference of the land in question differs in the advertisement tha the actual papers in bank it is foult of bank officers.You can sue them in court.It is legal duty of bank officers to hand over the possession along with clear title the property,whatever the legal issues arise while takingover possession bank shold sort it out taking help of DM of the area.

krishna (owner)     29 January 2015

First of all thank you for detail and mature response Mr.Bhagwat Patil. If the bank taking over possession and register to me then I will be the owner and in possession . If some one else claim piece of property later and send notice to me what should I do. Can I send those to bank and let they both figure it our or I have be responsible.

How bank will react after registration is completed for these issues.



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