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Keshrimal Sankliya   28 February 2022

landlord and tenant agreement

Mr.A is owner of a house that he want to give it on rent and Mr.B see the Ad of to-let so he came to A's place to see the house after that Mr.A give offer to B .B agree to use the house on rent of ₹5000/month but after acceptance by B... A wants to make an written agreement of it with some term & condition B refuses to sign it and A also refuse to give house on rent ,so does the B can file suit against A for not giving the house on rent although the oral offer by A is accepted by B

 3 Replies

Advocate Bhartesh goyal (advocate)     28 February 2022

No," B" can not file any suit against "A" as No agreement oral or written conclude between A and B.

kavksatyanarayana (subregistrar/supdt.(retired))     28 February 2022

Yes.  Agreed with the advice of the learned expert Mr.Bhatesh Goyal sir.

Palak batra   01 March 2022

Dear Querist,


No, oral offer and acceptance doesn’t amount to a legitimate contract between the two parties. Here in this situation parties agreed but later on didn’t perform or complete the contract hence, there was no obligation on any of the two parties. 


B can’t file any suit against A as the contract was not completed.




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