need answers asap please. we are staying as tenants for more than 60yrs some what like row houses total houses 8 ,all houses come under a landlord...the premises has a gate at the entrance sine many years and we were not allowd to bring in are bikes or cars which all the houses did not even bother to ask why,even if a senior citizen have to go to bazzar they need to walk from the gate to the houseas rickshaws and taxis also not allowed.
now recently the landlord here had some property case on with one of the house ,house now has security at the gate of the premises ,we have been comming home at any time since so many years as we have been here since suddeny the security gaurd comes up to all the houses and says that no one in the premises are allowed to enter after 12am mid night.
the land lord also send the security to tell us not to use are cell phones and walk around in the premises near the house we have always been using are phones when we recieve a phone call and walk and talk
my question is
1- can we not park are own bikes and cars in side the premises.or get taxis and ricshaws inside..can we all not have a key to the gate for emergency
2-why are we not allowed to come to are own houses afer 12am midnight some of us work night shift,some go out on week ends to meet up with friends,some have family now we have to stay out of are own houses after 12am.....please suggest how can we all stop this ...can some one explain law to the gate..parking..etc
3 can we naot use are cell phone to call or recieve calls
most of the people staying here are all senior citezen and dont know any thing about the law, can some one here please guide so atleast i could help my dad and the negbiours to be smart...and have knowlege about the law.