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Raj Kumar Makkad (Adv P & H High Court Chandigarh)     08 February 2011

Law Should be Followed by All

It is well known that Karnataka Governor HR Bhardwaj has behaved more like a Congress agent than a Constitutional head. But even by his low standards of propriety, his latest act of withholding an honorary degree — before he was compelled to reconsider the decision — to be conferred by the University of Bangalore on noted Kannada writer M Chidananda Murthy is shocking. Mr Bhardwaj justified his decision on the ground that the author had supported a report that dealt with the 2008 attacks on churches in the state. Apparently, to the Governor's dismay, the report by the Justice B Somsekhara Commission has not indicted the BJP-led State Government for the attacks. Mr Bhardwaj claims to be "disturbed" by the report — and he has every right to his opinion. The problem, however, is that the Governor by his own admission has not even read the report but only glanced through a synopsis. That alone is the basis for his condemnation of the findings. Moreover, his conclusion that the "entire Christian community was upset with the findings", is a blatant move to exploit religious sentiments. If the community is indeed upset, let its leaders come forward and be heard. Surely our democratic and secular system can take care of such anomalies. As a public servant, and more so as the Governor, Mr Bhardwaj should have refrained from making remarks that are beyond his call. But such statesmanship is expecting too much from a person who has already brought much disrepute to the high position he holds. Just as he formed his grand opinion on the basis of a report he had not read, Mr Bhardwaj concluded, without checking his facts, that Mr Murthy had backed the panel report and even talked about religious conversions. The noted writer has clarified that he had never supported attacks on Christians but was opposed to forced conversions. So, where did the Governor get his distorted material? Clearly, those working overtime to destroy the State Government are working with him to feed him stuff that he may use to embarrass the regime. So what if in the process some reputable names get tarnished? Even assuming that Mr Murthy had supported the Justice Somsekhara panel report, how does that give Mr Bhardwaj the right to withhold an award? The honorary degree being conferred on the renowned author and historian is in recognition of his contribution to the field of Literature and History. It is not an endorsement of his political views. Mr Bhardwaj has sent out the despicable message that honorary degrees are tools of political patronage and have little to do with the recipient's merit. It was, therefore, in the fitness of things that litterateurs in Karnataka cutting across political ideologies condemned the Governor's pettiness which eventually forced him to rescind his decision. Unfortunately that does not end the sordid chapter which began with his appointment. For that to happen, Mr Bhardwaj has to go as law is to be followed by all including Governor.

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