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HAREESH.N.R (student)     13 August 2011

Lawyer corruption

y even the lawyers were also corrupted heavily

for giving a notary they have charged me Rs. 300/-

i felt very ashame

thats y india is not at all developing

 19 Replies


corruption starts at home... from legal system thats why we never eradicate...

HAREESH.N.R (student)     14 August 2011

so u say that 300 is not a corruption fr the lawyer to take...

the actual notray costs just 50 rs.. but he is taking 300

kvss.prabhakar rao (Advocate )     14 August 2011

Mr. Hareesh  charging fee by notary did not come under curruption. He has right tocharge fee for natarising the any paper.Moreover he has to maintain registre and he should buy stamps by spending money. Charging Rs300 is not curruption.


vijendra singh (officer)     15 August 2011

Mr RGTigrani, advocate !  being a lawyer you must certainly be aware that  corruption is  corruption; be it  1 rupee , or  1 lakh rupees.   You cannot pretend  effectively  before a judge that  you have  looted   a  meagre small money  .  Judge shall not  leave you  unpunished on that accout.

If your  arguement  be correct ; then the corrupt  Kalmadi   was not to be jailed / chargsheeted because he  looted   only meagre ammount Rs. 200 crores, in comparision to the  biggest  looter Mr A.Raja  who  misappropriated  the national fund of Rs  176,000  crores.

So  you seems to be wrong obviously.

DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (POWER OF DEFENSE IS IMMENSE )     15 August 2011

fess for notary are not fixed by any law.

HAREESH.N.R (student)     15 August 2011

so if the fees was not fixed the lawyer cant take how much they want is it..

What a petty shame ..

Then if u say that there was no fees fixed then in INDIA no one can survive k.

Each one doing their respective jobs can fix there own rates then y u bargain in markets, etc..Y cant a farmer can fix his own rates for his production. Just think it off.

there must be moral ethics.

And the same lawyer who charged me for notary for an ordinary date of birth certificate he is charging 80 rs. but for the purpose of birth certificate he is charging 300. Why that difference. hte govt appointed these lawyers for making notarys to the people not for the money what they get from that.






THE NOTARIES ACT, 1952 (53 OF 1952)



[9.              Fees for issue and renewal of certificate of  practice  and extension of area

The fee for the issue and renewal of certificate  of  practice

and extension of area shall be as under,-

                a) issue of certificate of practice - Rs.1000;

                b) extension of area of practice-Rs.750;

                c) renewal of certificate of practice-Rs.500;

                d) issue of a duplicate certificate of practice-Rs.300.]

[8][10.        Fees payable to a notary for doing any notarial act

                [9](1)  Every  notary  may  charge  fees  not  exceeding the rates mentioned below, namely,-

(a) for noting an instrument -



if the amount of the instrument does not exceed rupees  10,000



if it exceeds rupees 10,000 but does not exceed rupees 25,000



if it exceeds rupees 25,000 but does not exceed rupees  50,000



if it exceeds rupees 50,000                                 


(b) for protesting an instrument - 



if  the amount of the instrument does not exceed rupees 10,000



if it exceeds rupees 10,000 but does not exceed rupees  25,000



if  it exceeds rupees 25,000 but does not exceed rupees 1,00,000



if it exceeds rupees 1,00,000


(c)  for recording a declaration of payment for honour


(d) duplicate protests                     

half the charge for original

(e) for verifying, authenticating, certifying or attesting the execution of any instrument      


(f)  for  presenting  any  promissory  note,  hundi or bill of exchange for acceptance or payment or demanding better security 


(g) for administering oath to, or taking  affidavit  from  any person


(h) for preparing any instrument intended to  take  effect  in any  country  or  place outside India in such form and language as may conform to the law of the place where such deed is intended to operate


(i)  for  attesting  or  authenticating any instrument to take effect in any country or place outside India in such form and language as may conform to the law of the place where such deed is intended  to operate


(j)  for  translating  and  verifying  the  translation of any document form one language to another                            


(k) for noting and  drawing  up  ship's  protest, boat protest  or protest relating to demurrage and other commercial matters    


(l)  for  certifying  copies of document as true copies of the original

Rs.5/- per page minimum Rs. 10/-

(m) for any other notarial act         





such sum as the appropriate government may fix from time to time.                                       

Provided that the number of notaries whose certificate of practice has been renewed under sub-section (2) of section 5 of the Act shall be included in the total number of notaries appointed for the purpose of counting the total number of notaries specified in the Schedule.



                Provided further that if in a State or Union territory the number of notaries appointed before the ninth day of May, 2001 exceeds the number of notaries specified in the Schedule, such notaries shall continue to be so appointed in that State or Union territory, as the case may be.;


                (5)  The  Register  of  Notaries  shall be in Form IIA and the certificate of practice shall be in Form IIB.




N.K.Assumi (Advocate)     15 August 2011

Agreed with my friend Kushan. But I must also say that charging Rs.300/- by Notarising is hard to swallow and reminds me of the memorable words of JF Kennedy " a poor man can be put behind bars for pilferring coal in the railway lines but a rich man can get away with th whole wagon with impunity".

girish shringi (advocate)     15 August 2011

For discussion its o.k..

Otherwise Notary first is an advocate then notarry,so can charge the fees from the client according to the case.

HAREESH.N.R (student)     15 August 2011

But the lawyer is charging his 300 for even the high r middle or poor class people also

girish shringi (advocate)     16 August 2011

Time has changed.

Inflation is high.

Can we stop increase in rate of petrol or milk which is essential commodity.

If you feel that you are really poor then talk to the respected notary,he may consider the fact and if he don't he might not be understanding humanity.

HAREESH.N.R (student)     16 August 2011

K then as a advocate how much u charge for a case.. So according to u eventhough its a wrong case with wrong judgement then also u wil do ur job in the court by charging more money. 

girish shringi (advocate)     17 August 2011

depending upon the case and merit thereof.

Mahesh Mukadam (None)     18 August 2011

Actually lawyers stelling money from the public. I have gone through it. Lawyers will accept case initially for thw agreed fees. Once they get vakilatnama then they will start extracting money from the client. It is difficult to change lawyers because other lawyer need  no objection certificte from the previous lawyer. I am NRI and having few property related cases in Mumbai High Court. Lawyers are charging exagrated fees without giving any previous intimination. They do not give any receipt fro the money they received. They do not carry any trust account. and never ever gives any explanation for the service. Always demand money saying they want to give to the court staff or even Judges. This is very common.Filing complaint with Bar Association is very lenghty. I dont know how common man can get justice in India

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