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Simple Indian (NA)     27 July 2013

Leave and license agreement registration in thane nr mumbai

I want to get a Leave and License Agreement executed between myself and my brother, in whose house I stay in Mira Road / Bhayander area near Mumbai. This is only to fulfill KYC formalities for getting certain services, such as domestic LPG connection, landline phone, etc. No actual financial transaction will take place between myself and my brother. Hence, I have drafted a L&L Agreement document mentioning token rent of Rs. 1000 and deposit of Rs. 5000 and need to get it franked for required amount, before I can engage a Stamp Duty & Regn Agent. The L&LA will be for 33 months and to keep my cost to the minimum, I don't want to engage a Real Estate Agent as some of them I approached quoted a high price.

I understand that for rent+deposit value of upto Rs. 2.5 lakhs, the stamp duty is about Rs. 500, and Registration cost would perhaps be of similar amount.  I understand that the Sub-Registrar's office is like the octroi dept, hence one has to engage an Agent to get the process done 'smoothly'.

Seek advice and wish to engage an Agent who can help with the above process. Well informed / experts / professionals may respond with procedure and costs for me to proceed further. Thank you.

 7 Replies

Advocate Ravinder (Advocate/Attorney)     29 July 2013

Normally for the lease agreement the stamp duty will be  charged basing on the Annual rental value which will be recorded in the office of sub registrar.  The stamp duty differs from state to state.  I think for leave and licence, it is much low comparing to lease agreement which will be in fixed rate. It is better to handover the job to a reliable broker.  

Simple Indian (NA)     29 July 2013

Mr. Ravinder, as mentioned earlier I wish to reduce my expenses on this, and hence have not yet engaged a real estate agent. I did discuss with couple of them who quoted a rather high amount for this and hence thought of doing it myself, to the extent possible. In my opinion, the charges could be as below 

1. Franking of Leave & License Agreement document (3 pages) with rent @Rs. 1000 and deposit of Rs. 5000 - Rs. 100 + Rs. 10 franking charges = Rs. 110

2. Stamp Duty charges at Sub-Registrar's office - for my case as above should be about Rs. 500-600 as per rules.

3. Bribes at Sub-Registrar's office by Agent - Rs. 400-500. Add another Rs. 500 for Agent's commission.

4. Total amount should be Rs. 110+600+500+500, i.e. less than Rs. 2000. But Agents have quoted me atleast 50% more than that.

Hence, seek guidance and help from experts and someone who can do the work at a reasonable cost.

Advocate Ravinder (Advocate/Attorney)     10 August 2013

If you give the job to broker, it will be completed in one hour, if you want to do the job by yourself, it may take one day or sometimes two days, because of lack of knowledge of procedure. There are chances that your application may be rejected due to some minor technical defects.


Still you want to do job by yourself, directly contact sub registrar and ask him the procedure, your job will be done. 

Vikram Jagtap (Lawyer)     26 July 2014

Now you can register leave and license online. This facility is provided by Stamps and Registration Department. By using this service you can prepare your agreement, view the draft, can modify, execute (sign) it, submit to registration and finally get it registered online.

You can calculate the applicable stamp duty and pay it and registration fees online.

For more details please visit -

swapnilsk0410gmailcom   22 January 2015

Do your registration of leave and license agreement at your doorstep. The Maharashtra government has taken a decision to launch e-registration of these agreements without having to go physically to the sub registrar office (SRO). The stamps and registration department has initiated this move considering surge in the registration of leave and license agreements instead of actual purchase of flats especially in Mumbai, Pune and other towns in the state.

Leave and License registration online service in Mumbai and Pune :

Adv. Swapnil Kadam

(M) 99 20 963730


Advocate Ravinder (Advocate/Attorney)     22 January 2015

Try the below mentioned link. It will be useful to you.

Legally Technofied (-)     10 July 2022

Dear Friend, 

Nowadays, it's quite simple to calculate your total charges and hire an authorized service provider for registering your leave and license agreement.

Simply visit, go to their Calculator and then calculate government fees and then call them at 8793333921 to know their charges and soon they share every single detail to register your rent agreement at your doorstep.

They're quite prompt, professional, and polite in their communication. You don't need to visit govt office instead they visit you at ur doorstep.

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