Requesting your advice rearding my case. It has been just 5 months after my marriage. During these months we found out that my inlaws cheatd us as the gifts they gave to their daughter in marriage were fake and delibrately packed in Renowned company boxes where as they were not from that company. For just asking her about all these things, they started to accuse us of being greedy. more over her relatives became physical and the father has taken girl home and called and threatned our family. on ther other, girl also keeps lying to me about her professional life and keep talking to different males for which when me and my family opposed she reacts very badly. when my father confroted her she totally denied to which my father said " if my family respect goes away i will not survive these thing and i will kill everyone in our family before seeing all this", they have taken this statment as a threat.
Requesting you to kindly advice as i am still ready to continue my life with her but not in a way that we are chated in every step of life.
Thank you for your help