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Legal Aid

Hi ,

I have seen that this site has a sizeable population of lawyers well versed with laws in different fields. I was wondering if there could be a forum to channelize all this knowledge into effective legal education and assistance in the form of seminars/dedicated forum for legal aid. I realize that the purpose of this website is to share knowledge and not to canvass for business. So there is no need for any monetary issues in between.
However, this knowledge can be put to better use when it is transferred from the virtual world to the real world by helping those who really need it. Most of the people who are in need of legal aid would not necessarily have access to a computer, let alone an internet connection. I just have this idea but no experience or guidance. So I leave it to the seniors to brainstorm on this and come up with an effective solution. I hope this serves the purpose of providing legal aid to the needy. Again, the intention is not just taking up cases of needy people. Creating Awareness is the first step.

 5 Replies

Ambika.S (Advocate)     04 August 2008

Hello Sir,

It is a pleasure to share my knowledge about Legal-aid.    Our Constitution has provision to give free legal aid to the needy.    On this concept, Legal Service Authority was established.  Legal Service Authority is at National Level, State Level, District Level and at Taluk Level.   The main features of this authority is to spread Legal Awareness to the public and provide Legal Aid to certain category of person.   They are ;-

a. A person who is having income below Rs.50,000/-  or

b. A woman irrespective of status of income or

c. A under trail or a person who is arrested or

d. A physically challenged person or

e. A person belonging to weaker section of the Society [person who comes under reserved category]

In all cases Legal Committe of Supreme Court of India mentions about the Legal Aid extended to the above category and spread awareness.

All Courts in India have Legal Service Authority and provides Legal Aid

Another important function of Legal Service Authority is settlement of pending cases in Adalaths. 

Conducting Awarness Camp in schools, colleges, institutions, departments etc in public places for the benefit of public. 

Legal Aid is given by providing an Advocate, making payment for the Court Fee and other expenses including Advocate fees.  Process Fee is free and providing cerified copies of the case at free of cost.


Srinivas.B.S.S.T ( Advocate)     04 August 2008

Detailed reply by you Ambika but i
think what  Tushar is saying that we the members of lawyers
club India shall use our expertice to cater to the needs of the poor
people. If the administration of this forum launches any such campaign
i am ready to join and contribute my share to the society

Ambika.S (Advocate)     04 August 2008

I work for Legal Service Authority, Bangalore as panel advocate, concilliator and conduct various programmes I am interested in joinig the same.

V.Raghavan (Advocate Madras High Court)     05 August 2008

I am also in the panel of Madras High Court Legal service committe and Tamil Nadu Legal Service Committe and  handling handful of cases now. Thorugh this forum we are equipping ourselves and refresing what we learnt. I should say my thanks to Advocate Mr.Yadukula Prakash who induced me to join in this forum 

jamesbond (lawyer)     07 January 2010

Where can i find articles/current cases about women undertrails?

Can anyone help me?

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